project 22 heavy cruiser

In 1954, a prototype 220-mm gun was manufactured. The KuK Kriegsmarine produced a number of creative cruiser projects just before and during World War I.While these were not revolutionary in the sense of technology used the ideas presented were quite ingenius and if built would had provide a headache for the enemy to counter them. ", Stalin's instructions were strictly enforced. In the bow are two hydraulic catapult. It would seem that the superiority of the domestic cruiser in the range, striking the artillery of the main caliber and the speed of the move made it possible to count on the undoubted destruction of the enemy ship without the risk of serious damage. Kalinin 51 - X-X Molotovsk. Unfortunately, the fate of the latter two was tragic, after coming to power, Khrushchev their construction was stopped. But the Soviet Union had on June 22, 1941 - 1700 T-34, KV-1 and 2. $227. Six British heavy cruisers are ready to join the World of Warships armada. Below are the top five veteran research questions, where to go for further resources, and how to begin your search. These were ships like "Alaska". However, the project, which was personally controlled by JV Stalin, had a "special, difficultly explainable predilection for heavy cruisers" (the government approved Kuznetsov NG in the middle of 1949, And two years later the laying of the head ship "Stalingrad" followed, and then the second and third. Style: Hyper-Cruiser. The Russian term can be translated either as the cognate "project" or as "design". TECHNICAL DATA Armour: Armed with twelve 8.9'' (225mm) autoloading guns in three turrets, C-144 to C-149 were originally designed as cruiser-killers, capable of outranging and defeating destroyers and other cruisers . In the evening of the same day, Stalin received a telegram, reports the launch of the world's largest carrier. Heavy Cruisers successes against warplanes (confirmed by Luftwaffe archives): 23/Aug/1941 Unidentified German reconnaissance plane shot down by Kirov, over Tallinn. After the aerial attack fromJapanese carriers onPearl Harbor, construction on new, big-gunned vessels like battleshipswas significantly scaled back or outright canceled. Technician Fifth Grade Lewis Hall from Obetz, Ohio, was born March 2, 1895, and was 47 years old at the time of his action. Jan 15, 2013 2.176 1.278. However, this left the sixauthorized Alaska-class cruisers, and a dilemma on what to do with them. The Vladivostok-class is a slightly modified version of the Project 22 cruisers that were never built in OTL. the Project 82 heavy cruiser design series, had acquired the designation "LKR-220," for legkii kreiser (light cruiser) with 220mm guns - in this context, "light" pre-sumably meant in comparison with the design variants armed with 305-mm guns. In the end, it consisted of 16 130-mm guns and 64 universal 45-mm machine guns. However, everything turned out to be much more complicated. And to whom Stalin could sell the ships trapped in the Gulf and the Black Sea? !Boat needs renovation inside and out ,engine needs work !!! First, the range of 200-260 cables could not be used in view of the impossibility of observing even with the help of artillery radar stations of the "Zalp" type bursts from the fall of 220-mm shells, and therefore to correct fire. Project 21 and 23 are in the game. The Franklin suffered over 1,200 casualties, and was the most heavily damaged US ship in the war to survive. Moving at a top speed of 33 knots, these ships were designed to be cruiser-killers, and would be able to get in and get out of trouble as quickly as possible and throw a hell of a punch. In the hangar were two offset to the left side lifts, theoretically allowing them to combine work with takeoff and landing operations. Linn joined The National WWII Museum staff in 2014 andservedas a Curator until 2020. It also honors the sacrifices their families have made during deployments. This work CDB-17 completed in August 1953. Secondly, at distances of 150-200 cable, the probability of getting into the enemy's ship became extremely small, so that even the expense of the entire ammunition (1080 shots) did not give hope for the destruction of the Des Moines cruiser. Project 664: Projected nuclear-powered amphibious assault submarine-minelayer. Tier V British Cruiser Hawkins. Since the Imperial Japanese Navy was almost all at the bottom of the Pacific by this point in the war, the ships provided anti-aircraft defense for the aircraft carriers and took part in shore bombardment missions. Therefore, KIL-1 in common use received the project number 145, which in fact corresponded to the construction number of the lead vessel. Posts: 4615. The modern 12 guns carried by the Alaskas were also an improvement over the 14 guns carried by the older battleships in the US fleet. Project 1206.1E: export version Type 1206.1 without artillery rocket launchers. On July 19, 1940, the US passed the Vinson-Walsh Act, better known as the Two-Ocean Navy Act, which immediately increased the size of the US Navy by 70 percent. The KA-27 helicopter. At the next call to the Kremlin (in 1951), JV Stalin told Nikolai Gerasimovich about the following: "We are now building heavy cruisers with 305 mm artillery and 152 mm light artillery." Fast, powerful, and short-lived, the Alaska-class large cruisers of the US Navy in World War II were both state of the art and obsoleteat the same time. Page last modified: AA Borisov in 1953 happened to attend a meeting with N. G. Kuznetsov, who told about the birth of the idea of creating a cruiser with 220-mm artillery. Kuznetsov wrote of this time: You need to play a total of 20 battles to post in this section. Aerial view of Alaska probably taken somewhere in the Pacific in 1945. While the primary mission of a cruiser was toescortthe US Navys new fast carrier task forces and protect them against enemy surface combatants or aircraft, the Alaska's were not your typical cruisers. Only has 15 heavy attack, 36 piercing. Alaska, which was not comparable to Stalingrad in terms of the power of constructive protection and high-speed qualities, was nevertheless a very expensive ship, at an almost equivalent cost to the battleship of the Alabama type (US$74,066,000 and US$76,886,000, respectively). This article is part of an ongoing series commemorating the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II made possible byBank of America. Brown's 'Nelson to Vanguard' has a line drawing by Len Crockford of the 16,500 tons 1941 design. Yes, but where to get new ones? In accordance with the conclusion of the sketch project issued to the Main Naval Administration of the Navy and approved by NG Kuznetsov in March 1953, it was subject to correction with a change in the calculated thicknesses of booking the upper and main (middle) decks according to the shooting data at the experimental compartment test range, The developer of the mass of the towers of the main caliber against the specified, as well as other comments and suggestions of the customer. Carrier design based on Slide In Camper for Sale! Swedish "aircraft carrier cruiser", 1946. improved Tegetthoff Class (Ersatz Monarch) Also, as a nod to their not-quite-battleship, not-quite-cruiser roots, instead of being named after US states or cities, the ships were named after US territories with the USS Alaska (CB-1) being the first. class Self-propelled floating workshop, Modified Petya class frigate with MG-325 "Vega" sonar, Modernized Komar class fast missile boat design with SS-N-2B Styx Missiles, MKL-6 / Komsomolets Armenia class border patrol boat, Poti class anti-submarine corvette, export version, Modified Osa I class class fast missile boat with improved electric equipment, Modified Osa II class class fast missile boat, OK-1072 class tug boat based on the Osa class, Experimental Osa II class class fast missile boat with improved radar systems, Osa II class class fast missile boat, export version, Modified Osa I class class fast missile boat with SS-N-2C Styx Missiles, PS-510 class seagoing dry-cargo transports, Araks class seagoing dry-cargo transports, Megra class seagoing dry-cargo transports, Modifed Natya class training ship for export, Modified Don class submarine support ship, Lama class floating missile technician base, Modified Lama class floating missile technician base, Modifed Lama class seagoing ammunition transport, Mirnyy class intelligence collection ship, Primor'ye class intelligence collection ship, MAB-59150 class Seagoing self-propelled artillery barge, MBSS-93150 class seagoing self-propelled dry-cargo barge, MBSS-35150 class seagoing self-propelled dry-cargo barge, MNS-30150 class seagoing self-propelled tank barge, MTB-4150 class seagoing self-propelled torpedo barge, BSS-86050 class harbour self-propelled dry-cargo barge, MNN-138500 class seagoing non self-propelled tank barge, BMR-671085 class harbour non self-propelled garbage barge, BMR-91085 class harbour non self-propelled garbage barge, BMR-666085 class harbour non self-propelled garbage barge, seagoing non self-propelled dry-cargo barge, Afalina class seagoing refrigerator transport, GKS-11 class hydroacoustic monitoring ships, Nevelskoy class hydrographic survey vessel, SIS-47 class self-propelled trials station, Improved Mikhail Rudnitsky class rescue ship, Kolkhida class seagoing dry-cargo transport, Modified Vytegrales class laser system trials ship, Modified Vytegrales class rescue and salvage ship, Golf III class diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine, 2,340-ton Diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine design with SS-11 Sego missiles, 5,400-ton Diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine design with SS-11 Sego missiles, Juliett class diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine design, Golf IV class diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine, Zulu class diesel-electric attack submarine, Improved Zulu class diesel-electric attack submarine, Modernized Zulu class diesel-electric communications submarine, Modernized Zulu class diesel-electric attack submarine with improved sensors, Modernized Zulu class diesel-electric attack submarine with improved sonars, Modernized Zulu class diesel-electric attack submarine with improved radars, Modified Zulu class diesel-electric guided missile submarine with 10Kh missile, Modified Zulu class diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine with SS-N-1 Scud-A missile, Modified Zulu class diesel-electric mine detection submarine, Modified Zulu class diesel-electric attack submarine, 300-ton Small diesel-electric attack submarine design, Whiskey class diesel-electric attack submarine, Modified Whisky class diesel-electric guided missile submarine with SS-N-7 Starbright missiles, Modified Whiskey class diesel-electric tanker submarine design for seaplanes, Modified Whiskey class diesel-electric attack submarine with deeper torpedo launch capability, Modified Whiskey class diesel-electric attack submarine with high pressured air, Modernized Whiskey class diesel-electric attack submarine with improved sonars, Modified Whiskey class diesel-electric attack submarine design with special anti-ice device, Modified Whiskey class diesel-electric attack submarine with silver-zinc battery, Whisky class Single Cylinder diesel-electric guided missile submarine, Modified Whisky class diesel-electric guided missile submarine with SS-N-14 Silex missiles, Whiskey class diesel-electric rescue submarine carrier submarine, Modified Whiskey class diesel-electric attack submarine with ice drill and new sonars, Modernized Whiskey class diesel-electric attack submarine with improved radars, 2,100-ton Diesel-electric attack submarine design based on captured German Type XXI submarines, Modified Quebec class coastal attack submarine, 700-ton Small diesel-electric attack submarine design, Modernized Whale class attack submarine design, Golf V class diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine, 8,845-ton diesel-electric amphibious assault submarine design, 460-ton Small diesel-electric attack submarine design, 2,120-ton Diesel-electric guided missile submarine design with SS-1 Scunner missiles, 3,480-ton diesel-electric transport submarine design, November class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Modified November class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Modified November class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine design with SS-N-2 Styx missiles, 1,500-ton Diesel-electric guided missile submarine design with 10Kh missiles, Golf I class diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine, Golf II class diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine, Improved Golf I class diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine, Modified Golf I class diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine design with SS-N-2 Styx missiles, Golf SSQ class diesel-electric command submarine, Modified Golf I class diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine design with R-15 missiles, Modernized Quebec class coastal attack submarine design, 2,550-ton Diesel-electric research submarine design, 2,500-ton Diesel-electric attack submarine design, Romeo class diesel-electric attack submarine, Preliminary Romeo class diesel-electric attack submarine design, Romeo class diesel-electric guided missile submarine with SS-N-21 Sampson missiles, Romeo class diesel-electric attack submarine for special hull trials, Romeo class diesel-electric guided missile attack submarine with SS-N-16 Stallion missiles, 1,660-ton Diesel-electric research submarine design, Kilo II class diesel-electric attack submarine, Modified Kilo II class diesel-electric attack submarine, Improved Kilo II class diesel-electric attack submarine, Quebec class special naval laboratory submarine, 10,000-ton Nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine design to carry SS-N-2 Styx missiles, Whiskey class Canvas Bag radar picket submarine, Modified Whiskey class Canvas Bag communications submarine, Whiskey Twin Cylinder class missile submarine, Foxtrot class diesel-electric attack submarine, Tango class diesel-electric attack submarine, Improved Foxtrot class diesel-electric attack submarine, Diesel-electric guided missile submarine design based on Zulu class with 10Kh missiles, 1,865-ton Diesel-electric attack submarine design, Whisky class Twin Cylinder Guided missile submarine, Modified Whisky class Twin Cylinder Guided missile submarine with SS-N-3D Shaddock missiles, Modernized Whisky class Twin Cylinder Guided missile submarine design, November class nuclear-powered attack submarine K-27 with liquid metal reactor, Foxtrot class diesel-electric guided missile submarine design with SS-N-3C Shaddock missiles, 6,300-ton Diesel-electirc minelaying-transport submarine design, 6,300-ton Nuclear-powered minelaying-transport submarine design, Telnovsk class medium seagoing dry-cargo transport, Juliett class diesel-electric guided missile submarine, Juliett class diesel-electric guided missile submarine with auxiliary nuclear power plant, Modified Juliett class diesel-electric guided missile submarine, 5,250-ton Nuclear-powered guided missile submarine design with SS-N-2 Styx missiles, 1,600-ton Diesel-electric attack submarine design, 1,600-ton Diesel-electric guided missile submarine design with SS-N-3C Shaddock missiles, 4,600-ton Nuclear-powered attack submarine design, Hotel I class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, Modernized Hotel I class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine design with SS-N-6 Serb missiles, Hotel II class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, Modified Hotel II class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Echo I class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine, Echo I class nuclear-powered attack submarine, 3,150-ton Diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine design with SS-2 Sibling missiles, Papa class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine, Modified Papa class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine design with SS-N-9 Siren missiles, Modified Papa class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine design with SS-N-8 Sawfly missiles, Modernized Papa class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine design, Chinese Golf class diesel-electric ballistic missile training submarine, 10,150-ton Nuclear-powered amphibious assault submarine-minelayer design, Whiskey class Long Bin diesel-electric guided missile submarine, Yankee I class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine design with SS-N-5 Sark missiles, Yankee I class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, Modified Yankee I class nuclear-powered sensor testbed submarine, Yankee II class ballistic missile submarine, Yankee I class nuclear-powered underwater geophysical laboratory design, Modernized Yankee I class ballistic missile submarine, Yankee I class Notch attack submarine conversion, Delta I class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, Delta II class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, Delta III class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, Delta IV class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, Yankee class Sidecar guided missile submarine, Modernized Yankee class Sidecar guided missile submarine design, Modernized Yankee I class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine design, Yankee class ballistic missile submarine design with SS-N-13 Missiles, Charlie I class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine, Modified Charlie I class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine design with SS-N-9 Siren Missiles, Charlie II class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine, Modernized Charlie II class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine, Modernized Charlie I class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine, Victor I class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Modified Victor I class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine K-323 with SS-N-21 Sampson missiles, Victor II class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Victor III class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Improved Victor III class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Improved Victor I class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Modified Victor I class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine design with SS-N-21 Sampson missiles, 3,000-ton Nuclear-powered attack submarine design, Echo II class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine, Modified Echo II class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine, Modernized Echo II class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine design with SS-N-3C Shaddock missiles and liquid metal reactor, Modernized Echo II class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine, Echo II class nuclear-powered small submarine carrier submarine, Lada class diesel-electric attack submarine, Improved Lada class diesel-electric attack submarine, Nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine design to carry SS-N-6 Serb missiles, 30,000-ton Nuclear-powered submarine tanker design, Modernized Juliett class diesel-electric guided missile submarine design with SS-N-3C Shaddock missiles, Mike class nuclear-powered attack submarine, 4,200-ton Nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine design to carry SS-N-6 Serb missiles, Bravo class diesel-electric auxiliary submarine, Modernized Bravo class diesel-electric auxiliary submarine design, 6,800-ton Nuclear-powered attack submarine design, Nuclear-powered guided missile submarine design with SS-N-12 Sandbox missiles, Modernized Vanya class coastal minesweeper, Hotel III class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, 7,700-ton Nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine design to carry SS-11 Sego missiles, PKDS-10 class floating dosimetry-control station, Alfa class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Improved Alfa class nuclear-powered attack submarine design with 610 and 533mm torpedoes, Modified Alfa class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Nuclear-powered amphibious assault submarine-minelayer design, Yunnyy Partizan class medium seagoing dry-cargo transport, BSN-184090 class harbour non self-propelled dry-cargo barge, 11,000-ton Nuclear-powered amphibious assault submarine design, Nikolay Zubov class intelligence gathering ship, Akademik Krylov class oceanographic vessel, Improved Akademik Krylov class oceanographic vessel, Vishnya class intelligence gathering ship, Modernized Losos class midget submarine design, Improved Finik class hydrographic survey ship, Kilo I class diesel-electric attack submarine, Modernized Kilo I class diesel-electric attack submarine design, Modified Kilo I class diesel-electric attack submarine, Modernized Kilo I class diesel-electric attack submarine design for export, Improved Kilo I class diesel-electric attack submarine, Nuclear-powered guided missile submarine design with SS-N-26 Onyx Missiles, Severodvinsk class nuclear-powered guided missile attack submarine, Improved Severodvinsk class nuclear-powered guided missile attack submarine, 12,000-ton Missile technician base / Missile carrying cargo ship design to carry SS-N-8 Sawfly missiles, Modified Amguema class polar logistics ship design to carry SS-N-8 Sawfly missiles, 7,800-ton guided missile helicopter destroyer minesweeper design, Borei class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine prototype, India class diesel-electric rescue submarine, Typhoon class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, Modified Typhoon class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, Sierra I class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Sierra II class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Modified Sierra II class nuclear-powered attack submarine design with increased maximum diving depth, Sierra III class nuclear-powered attack submarine design, Modernized Sierra III class nuclear-powered attack submarine design with increased maximum diving depth, Oscar I class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine, Oscar II class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine, Modernized Oscar II class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine design with SS-N-24 Scorpion missiles, Improved Oscar II class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine design, Borei I class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, Borei II nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, Improved Borei I class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine with SS-N-20 Sturgeon missiles, Sovremenny class guided missile destroyer, Improved Sovremenny class guided missile destroyer, Modernized Sovremenny class guided missile destroyer design, Radar picket ship design based on T-58 class minesweeper, Radar picket and fighter control ship design on Kara class cruiser hull, Modified Andizhan class large seagoing dry-cargo transport, 14,000-ton Guided missile command ship design, Akula class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Improved Akula class nuclear-powered attack submarine for India, Akula II class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Akula III class nuclear-powered attack submarine, Modified Akula class nuclear-powered attack submarine with Cruise missiles, Yankee class Stretch nuclear-powered small submarine carrier submarine, Yankee class Big Nose nuclear-powered submarine Sonar testbed conversion, Modified Delta III class nuclear-powered small submarine carrier submarine, Modified Delta IV class nuclear-powered small submarine carrier submarine, Modified Oscar II class nuclear-powered special purpose submarine, 5,900-ton Ultra-quiet nuclear-powered attack submarine design, Improved Primor'ye class intelligence collection ship, Radar picket and fighter control ship design on Sovremenny class destroyer hull, Nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine design to carry SS-N-17 Snipe missiles, Modified Polnocny-A class laser system trials ship, ???) 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