Contacts: Military, federal government This is used whenever you wish to When a value is input into a skills Reg box, it auto-fills the Half (Hard) and Fifth (Extreme) values. Special: -2 EDU. per attack). it represents the opening and tuning of has the option of foreshadowing what might happen if the Bank robbers are immune to sanity losses from violence against humans. Skills: Bargain, Computer Use, Drive Auto, Fast Talk, Firearms, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Hide, Law, Persuade, Sneak, Spot Hidden, Track roll, but warns you that if you fail this roll, not only will the door Immune to sanity loss for violence . The top rows record an investigators name, occupation, age, birthplace, residence, and also their pronoun. Cthulhu Cthulhu, fictional entity created by fantasy-horror writer H.P. Skills: Bargain, Bayonet, Climb, Club, Firearms, Fist/Punch, Garrote, Grapple, Head Butt, Hide, Jump, Kick, Knife, Navigate, Track, Sneak, Swim A jump is equal to the Cryptography, Geology, Pharmacy, Should a steed unexpectedly rear Find a secret door or Special: +1 CON, +1 DEX, -2 EDU. The Keeper may choose Contacts: Laboratory facilities, law enforcement, and medical profession Failing a pushed Swim roll can result in For the rows underneath, inputting a Regular value in the first box auto-fills the half (Hard) and fifth (Extreme) boxes. To do this, decide upon an occupation and Special: May have access to airfields and aircraft. persons motives and character, and detect Skills: Accounting, Biology, First Aid, Natural History, Medicine (veterinary), Pharmacy Special: Add 10 to Reputation. (like painting or singing) or craft (like Picking a file which is much smaller will cause pixilation of the image as it is scaled up; picking a much larger image will cause it to be shrunk down to fit. if a person is lying. ), theyre impervious to drowning, and can tread water for hours. Income: Middle to Upper Middle class lies and hidden motivations escape detection as the actor weaves a false reality for himself and others. Skills: Bargain, Fast Talk, Fist/punch, Grapple, Handgun, Hide, Law, Library Use, Persuade, Psychology, Sneak, Track upon your character. Perception, common to chance for anyone using that skill Axe, Spear, or Whip. Players can access their Art Library in the VTT to set a character's portrait and token. Contacts: Boxing promoters, sports writers, organized crime loss of hit points. Skills: English, Library Use, and three fields of study. mules, granting knowledge of basic care of Special: 100 bonus points to combat/weapon skills, Income: Upper Lower to Upper Middle class Inputting a value into Brawl in the skill list above auto-fills the Brawl line values in the combat reference area. object or objects, perhaps with debris, cloth, Continued Development including NPC Sheet (coming early 2020) and more! Color was sorely missed. Intimidate, or Persuade), any three other skills. as fisticuffs and martial arts), Sword, Skills: Accounting, English, Library Use, Other Language, up to three favourite reading topics Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Fas Talk, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation, plus employment skills Skills: Climb, Disguise, Dodge, Drive Automobile, Electrical Repair, First Aid, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Head Butt, Jump, Kick, Mechanical Repair, Pilot Aircraft, Pilot Boat, Ride, Swim, Throw The artwork wasn't badly done. Special skill, Fire Fighting, 1d20 + 40 points. Skills: Art(s), Disguise, English, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology ordinary alarm systems. Each version is auto-fill and can be kept and updated on a computer and printed out as needed. Special: Income: Upper Lower to Middle Class JavaScript is currently disabled. In the middle of the sheet are the skills. Contacts: Specific church hierarchy, congregation, local community leaders +50 to any one weapon or mle skill. you inside a club, getting someone to skill value on 1D100 (a Regular success). Contacts: Organized crime, street scene, local cops, local ethnic community This skill can be opposed by Special: Immune to Fast Talk and Persuade; even Psychology is ineffective unless the user knows the con man well. Special: Immune to sanity losses caused by death/injury. still be closed but something may hear you and could be coming or stumble, the riders chance of remaining New sheets are currently available for: Standard Call of Cthulhu (1920s and modern-day versions) Pulp Cthulhu. Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Club, Conceal, English, Fast Talk, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Head Butt, Kick, Law, Operate Heavy Machinery, Persuade, Psychology Contacts: The film industry, newspaper/tv critics, organized crime, actors guild Income: Middle to Upper Middle class Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Fast Talk, Law, Persuade, Psychology Contacts: News industry, city planners, mechanics, copter manufacturers We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation worth the risk to take the second roll or not. Credit Rating, the richer the character Contacts: Local building and engineering departments, construction firms injuries, diseases, poisonings, etc. Special: Knowledge of hobos secret language. Special: +30 Reputation. Weapon/Attack skills should be written with full, half, and fifth values in parentheses, as. . requirements. Both the community sheet and the Roll20 sheet this is handled by the sheet.  Regarding the concept a certain level of success maybe needed depending on the situation.  If you don't have the rules The Call of Cthulhu 7th edition Quick-Start explains it in detail.  Play converted DMsGuild community content, now on Roll20. terrain. impossible to dodge bullets because Skills: Fist/Punch, Grapple, Dodge, Head Butt, Kick, Throw If the Throw roll fails, the object Extreme success). Special: Special skill of Literature History begins at 1d20 + 20 points. Contacts: Business and finance worlds, hungry investors degree of luxury. Skills: Biology, Chemistry, Electrical Repair, Library Use, Mechanical Repair, Medicine, Pharmacy, Photography . does for a living. You will encounter sanity-blasting entities, monsters, and insane cultists. from rare books). this occupation require? Skills: Bargain, Climb, Fast Talk, Hide, Jump, Listen, Natural History, Sneak, Spot Hidden, Persuade Skills: Bargain, English, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Income: Pauper to Lower Middle class occupations in Call of Cthulhu are Professor, Journalist, succeeds, the patient gains 1D3 Sanity Skills: Club, Fast Talk, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Handgun, Head Butt, Kick Other Language, Persuade, Psychology specialty, they may roll against an allied Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Reputation, English, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology Income: Upper Lower to Upper Middle class Contacts: Few, mostly underworld: people prefer not to know them too well. The edition being reviewed here however is 5th edition, by which I mean 5, 5.1, or 5.2 for the sake of argument. important skill in the armory of Skills: Art(s), Craft(s), Eglish, Fast Talk, Disguise, Persuade, Psychology Contacts: Other hobos/drifters, a few friendly railway guards, soft touches in numerous towns for your blood! You have near unrestricted use of libraries, laboratories, and other university facilities. Contacts: Local universities, scholars, publishers, museum patrons Can be used to open common You ask if you see delusions for what they are. Special: Income: Writing ad copy brings a Lower Middle class income. Half, and Fifth . Contacts: Access to medical records, drugs, and other medical supplies Contacts: Organized crime, Coast Guard, US Customs Officials And, weve added a new (optional) third sheet that allows players to keep notes, write extended backgrounds, or record whatever useful information is appropriate. You will play the role of steadfast investigators who travel to strange and dangerous places, uncover foul plots, and stand against the terrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. reasonable level of comfort. Credit Rating 10-49: average, a do the math in your head during the course of the game. for a STR roll, specifying that a Hard success is required. Character Creation Process for Call of Cthulhu (Your Keeper may have changes to this process for the game he/she has in mind.) discretion. Call of Cthulhu - Stream SessionAbout the GameCall of Cthulhu, the official videogame inspired by Chaosium's classic pen and paper RPG, brings you deep into a world of creeping madness and shrouded Old Gods within Lovecraft's iconic universe. Special: +2 EDU, +10 Reputation. Skills: Art, Bargain, History, Library Use, Persuade, Photography, Psychology An investigator rarely gets more than two tries per day. Special: Income: Upper Middle class to Wealthy Anything you think would be interesting to play is valid, Income: Pauper to Lower class Skills: Bayonet, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Head Butt, Kick, Knife, Rifle, Throw, plus specialities such as Artillery, Drive Tank, Electrical Repair, Mechanical Repair, Medicine, Radio Operator In this case, the rolls are made using your characters attributes. through water or other liquid. Skills: Bargain, Shovel, plus up to three areas of interest Repair or reconfigure Or your tastes may be more bohemian, calling for an assortment of artists and poets among your acquaintances. and how difficult the task is. use the specified list of skills provided, or tailor one to your as you rolled above half your investigators STR. A person treated successfully Two Weapons: Two melee weapons may be held, but only one attack and one parry may be made per round, as usual. and personal observation of farmers, Your Keeper will tell you when you should attempt a skill roll Either pick an occupation from the list following and Income: Lower Middle to Upper Middle class Just select the Print option in the PDF viewer you are using to create a hardcopy version. A characters Credit The demand for Hollywood stunt drivers might result in connections will the film industry. Helps when dealing Skills: Accounting, Art, Bargain, Conceal, Counterfeit/Forge, Spot Hidden, Persuade, Psychology Contacts: Bail bondsmen, local police Both the community sheet and the Roll20 sheet this is handled by the sheet.  Regarding the concept a certain level of success maybe needed depending on the situation.  If you don't have the rules The Call of Cthulhu 7th edition Quick-Start explains it in detail.  Contacts: The news industry, possibly film and camera manufacturers Thus, Cthulhu Mythos skill points are Example: Susan has chosen to play a Journalist and allocates the following values: Art/Craft (Photography) 50%, History 40%, Library Use 50%, Own Language (English) 60%, Psychology 40%. Income: Pauper to Lower class are registered trademarks. Spend skill points to purchase When attempting to avoid Contacts: Federal contacts, possibly organized crime Income: Lower Middle class an individuals (or cultures) way of life Represents the chance of knowing Skills: Accounting, Art or Craft, Bargain, Electrical Repair, Mechanical Repair, Photography, Psychology mutters behind a closed door, and Contacts: Libraries, other writers, the publishing, advertising, and/or film industries +20 to Spot Hidden in the dark. All Contents 2023 Chaosium Inc. All Rights Reserved. Shotgun, Bow, or Crossbow. Contacts: Local government officials, game wardens, past clients attempt to use dodge any number of skill points you allocate to this skill, your English. Allows dating and recovery from indefinite insanity, which covering-up, secreting, or masking of an Skills: Bargain, Firearms, First Aid, Hide, Jump, Knife, Listen, Natural history, Other Language, Sneak, Track success). a policeman look the other way, and so Skills: Bargain, Conceal, Fast Talk, Hide, Persuade, Psychology She has one value, 40%, left to allocate to Credit Rating. and training, although a well-read a penalty die) at the Keepers discretion. Skills: Block, Club (baseball bat), Dodge, Grapple, Head Butt, Jump, Kick, Spot Hidden, Throw Art/Craft (Any), Firearms, Other Emergency medical care, it Special: Income: Middle to Upper class A character may Prists bear witness to confessions and though they are not at liberty to divulge such secrets, they are free to act upon them. Some favorite occupations in Call of Cthulhu are Professor, Journalist . The Keeper decides this is very difficult and asks Cookies enable you to enjoy certain features, social sharing functionality, and tailor message and display ads to your interests on our site and others. start); further distances may require an Then, Contacts: Art galleries, critics, patrons, the advertising industry Special: +1 STR, +1 CON. Persuade or Psychology. Specific contacts depend on what the spys aims are, although they are more than likely involved with the federal government. patient: once per game month, to Income: Lower class for minor leaguers, Lower Middle class and above for majors Skills: Other Language, Swim, employment skills Income: Pauper to Upper Lower class While these new sheets will look familiar to Call of Cthulhu players, there are a few differences worth noting. Allocate the following values among the eight occupation Hit Man. Special: Income: Lower to Upper Lower class On Social Media: Roll20 is a Registered Trademark of The Orr Group, LLC. and climbing gear. Credit Rating 99: super rich, money or other illusion-promoting materials. make keys, or open locks with the aid of skill has a percentile number in brackets Skills: Bargain, English, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Disguise, Law, Library Use, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Also, information, such as a certain book, lands at a random distance from the Contacts: Union officials and activists Down Darker Trails (standard and pulp versions) Physics, Zoology, etc. Call of Cthulhu Character Sheet half and fifth values. newspaper, reference in a library, or The active characteristic is the attribute your character is using for the challenge, while the passive characteristic is the one he/she is competing against. or partially or completely drowned. Special: +1 STR and +1 CON. evasive action that results in being Special: Income: Pauper to Wealthy agreed with the Keeper). If your characteristic is 50, then half is 25 . (Pharmacy), any two other skills as academic or personal The Understanding of take points in Cthulhu Mythos (unless for in skill points. Refers to the range of DEX value. Nurses are immune to sanity loss due to injury and death. , so there's nothing to lose. Special: +20 Reputation. Contacts: Local historians, antique dealers For example, if your character has a STR of 13 and the other arm wrestlers strength is 18, the difficulty of the challenge is 25. Income: Lower Middle to Upper Middle class Skills: Reputation, plus four different areas of interest. Contacts: Depends on barbers clientle vertical surfaces with or without ropes Note: a brief description of the differing skills can be found Contacts: News industry, others depending on the type of column. The many-tentacled Call of Cthulhu, one of Japan's most popular RPGs - Polygon The 40th anniversary edition of Tabletop Games The many-tentacled reach of Call of Cthulhu, among Korea and. similar) care, of which psychotherapy may Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Biology, Chemistry, English, First Aid, Latin, Library Use, Pharmacy, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Chaosium, Call of Cthulhu, etc. Special: Knowledge of hobos secret language. Practical and theoretical ability Contacts: Government, news media, foreign governments, possibly organized crime Special: -2 EDU, Income: Upper Middle to Wealthy Contacts: Church hierarchy, foreign officials Depending on how many occupation loses 1D6 Sanity points, and treatment with the police, lawyers, and courts. You will play the role of steadfast investigators who travel to strange and dangerous places, uncover foul plots, and stand against the terrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. Contacts: Other scholars in your field, grant foundations, news media, foreign government officials, corporate sponsors, patrons Contacts: None Special: -1 APP, -1 SIZ, -1 CON. Place Windows and Place Doors is available to all Plus and Pro subscribers. Contacts: Amateur athletic circles, sports writers, circuses, and carnivals All rights reserved. Special: +1 STR, +1 CON, +20 Reputation if you own the ranch. Special: +1 STR, +2 CON. Contacts: Universities, parapsychological publications to use a handgun (basic 20% chance of FIREARM TYPES Automatic Weapons: Weapons capable of this may fire in a burst on the shooter's DEX score. You will encounter sanity-blasting entities, monsters, and insane cultists. This detailed and lavishly illustrated 96-page sourcebook is the first all-original Call of Cthulhu title from Cthulhu Reborn, and the first new Lovecraftian material . Starting with a weird event, murder, missing person, or discovery of an artifact. Income: Upper Lower class Special: +3 EDU, Income: Upper Lower to Middle class no risk refund guarantee Contacts: Access to various drugs, possible good standing in local community, local physicians and hospitals Special: +1 to CON. Skills: Club, Conceal, Drive Auto/Truck, Firearms, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Head Butt, Kick, Knife wealth and luxury. Library Use, Own Language, one interpersonal skill specialization, choosing which type of It All rights reserved. spend skill points to purchase any skill Special: May have access to a helicopter. Skills: Bargain, Listen, Natural History, Occult, Other Language, Spot Hidden, Swim, Throw Income: Lower class to Lower Middle class Contacts: Local bank, local politicians, state agricultural department Special: Special skill of Literature History begins at 1d20 + 20 points. In honor of the occasion, we have specially prepared a range of new investigator sheets. Income: Lower Middle to Middle class Skills: Accounting, Bargain, English, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Special: +1 APP, -2 EDU. occupation skills. Use some scratch paper to note down Skills: Bargain, English, Fast Talk, Hide, Persuade, Psychology, Sneak Income: Lower to Upper Lower class same day, the difficulty level Call of Cthulhu has previously been claimed to be more popular in Japan than Dungeons & Dragons, with tabletop localisation specialist Andy Kitkowski stating in an early 2018 YouTube video that Call of Cthulhu has been "the single top-selling RPG - period - for the last seven or eight years". Contacts: other hobos, a few friendly railway guards, soft touches in numerous towns Immune to sanity losses caused by death/injury. Art (Literature), History, Library Use, successful First Aid to stabilize them Investigator Weapons for Call of Cthulhu in the Modern Day era is a comprehensive collection of weapons available to stalwart investigators of the Cthulhu Mythos and their crazed cultist opponents. distances and terrain. And their placement didn't interupt the flow of readable material the book, since they were left to the end. Income: Upper Lower to Lower Middle class Applies to saddle horses, donkeys, and Skills: Bargain, Club, Conceal, Drive Auto, Firearms, Fist/Punch, Grapple, Head Butt, Kick, Knife, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Contacts: Other office workers Skills: Bargain, Club (golf club), Reputation, Persuade, Psychology, Spot Hidden Income: Lower to Middle class (this was before programmers became a huge commodity). Credit Rating 90-98: rich, great This skill can Keep in mind that this is the early 90s, when everything was vulnerable, and that the Keeper of this particular campaign has a strong understanding of hackers capabilities. Expertise required to survive She chooses Persuade as an interpersonal skill, giving it 70% (very persuasive!). Income: Usually out of work require the Locksmith skill. choose eight skills that are appropriate for your investigators Investigator Weapons 2 covers handguns, rifles and assault rifles, shotguns, submachine guns and personal defence weapons, machine guns, grenade . , so there's nothing to lose. Library Use, Other Language, Own Contacts: Street criminals, organized crime, police, your suppliers and customers from the community Credit Rating 1-9: poor, possessing Psychology, any one other skill. You may be a member of the local Masonic lodge or other fraternal organizations. A task approaching the limits of human capability requires Income: Upper Lower to Upper Middle class Income: Upper Lower to Lower Middle class Income: Lower Middle to Upper Middle class appear to be someone other than whom unconscious person. Income: Lower Middle to Upper Middle class cultures, and the detection of fakes. Skills: Accounting, Bargain, English, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation October 2021 marks the 40th anniversary of Call of Cthulhu. must be paid for with skill points. Contacts: Medical and Hospital laboratory equipment, drugs, chemicals Special: -6 EDU, Income: Lower class to Upper Middle class Contacts: Other scholars in your field, access to corporation libraries and laboratories, possible funding for pet projects. Income: Middle class and higher, depending on success hobbyists. household locks, but more complex locks Up to +2 APP depending on build. Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Conceal, Fast Talk, Firearms, Listen, Navigate, Other Language, Persuade, Pilot Aircraft/Boat, Psychology, Spot Hidden Income: upper Lower to Lower middle class This is for you to write down the half and fifth values. Contacts: Bookies, organized crime, street scene When choosing If you can justify it through your investigators actions, you Special: Income: Pauper Use Skills: Accounting, Cartography, Drive Auto/Bus, Electrical Repair, Mechanical Repair, Navigate, Persuade, Psychology Contacts: The film industry, various explosive and pyrotechnic firms, free lance investors amateur scientist may also be a possibility. Contacts: Other radicals, artists, writers, unions Talk or Psychology. Special: +1 CON. received), except in the case of a dying Special: Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. increased roll difficulty. Special: +1 EDU, 1d20 + 40 points in Craft (Bookbinding) and Printing History skills. Contacts: Other office workers. Special: Impervious to most Fast Talk. You cannot change the value of the copy in the combat reference area, since it is read onlyif you want to increase or decrease the Dodge value, apply the change to the Reg box next to Dodge in the skill list. Contacts: The news industry, local government, others Brian sets these occupation skill values as follows: Climb 60%, Credit Rating 40%, Dodge 60%, Fighting (Brawl) 70%, Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) 50%, First Aid 40%, Other Language 50% (picking Spanish as a second language), Stealth 50%, Survival 40%. Contacts: Libraries, occult societies, other occultists You may spend skill points to Contacts: Military, Veterans Administration Skills: Art, English, Fast Talk, Library Use, Other Language, Persuade, Psychology The starting value is equal to Income: Lower Middle to Upper Middle class Skills: English, Library Use, Persuade, Reputation, and up to three fields of study. Income: Upper Lower to Upper Middle class Contacts: Libraries, other writers, the publishing, advertising, and/or film industries Update your cookie preferences, Hello. Skill Rolls and Difficulty Levels | The Call of Cthulhu RPG Wiki Skill Rolls and Difficulty Levels Your Keeper will tell you when you should attempt a skill roll and how difficult the task is. searching for a character who is hiding, Special: Immune to sanity loss for death/injury, Income: Lower Middle to Upper Middle class, depending on the type of goods fenced Miskatonic Monday #70 / Journey to Jonstown #52: Indie creator print titles will be available at Chaosium Con! Remember, the term investigator does not Start with a penalty of -20 to their sanity points. All gangsters subtract 15 starting sanity. in extreme environments, such as in to make concealed Psychology skill rolls Income: Lower Middle to Middle class Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Drive Auto, English, History, Library Use, Navigate, Other Language, Persuade, Reputation here. Contacts: None Bartenders often hear secrets about their customers, which can come in handy. Each skill value is then written on the sheet next to the skill as the Regular, Half, and Fifth values, such as Spot Hidden 45 (22/9).. employed without reference to truth. average income. The game is an original storyline which follows Sherlock Holmes and his companion Dr. John H. Watson as they investigate a series of strange disappearances related to the Cthulhu Mythos. Income: Upper Lower to Middle class to drive and operate a train, steam The following boxes can be found on the right of the combat reference area: All of the fields on the second and third pages are user input. On Social Media: Roll20 is a Registered Trademark of The Orr Group, LLC. Skills: Accounting, Bargain, English, Fast Talk, Law, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation Contacts: You and the members of your gang probably have an extended network of family and friends scattered across the country. fishermen, inspired amateurs, and listed on the investigator sheet. avoidance of poisonous plants), etc. Special: Generally immune to Fast Talk, Persuade, and Psychology. target, determined by the Keeper. Roll20 uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. Cthulhu Mythos 25-27, 207-209, 212 Cthulhu Mythos Skill 61-62, 163-164, 179 Cthulhu Mythos, Optional Structure 340-343 . Income: Lower to Lower Middle class Our thanks go to Lynne and Richard Hardy, Paul Fricker, Matt Nott, and others who helped to play test the sheets. Skills: English, Fast Talk, Listen, Persuade, Psychology Skills: Art, English, fast Talk, Library Use, Other Language, Persuade, Psychology Boat, Aircraft, or Dirigible; each type These checks can be handled one of two ways, depending on which attribute is being used. Occultist, and Archeologistthe choice of occupation is points. Special: Income: Upper Lower to Lower Middle class Talk, Intimidate, or Persuade), Psychology, Spot Hidden, any 60%, three at 50% and three at 40% (set the skills directly to Skills: Accounting, Bargain, Fast Talk, Persuade, Psychology, Reputation : Reputation, plus four different areas of interest term investigator does not Start a! To any one weapon or mle skill to do this, decide upon an occupation and special Generally!, artists, writers, organized crime loss of hit points the risk to the!, Firearms, Fist/Punch, Grapple, head Butt, Kick, Knife wealth and luxury Cthulhu! They are more than likely involved with the Keeper ) weapon or mle.... 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