The growling soon escalated into outright hostility, which deeply frightened the boy. A United States Special Operations forces soldier on the Syria-Turkey border in September 2019. When I learned that my U.S. Army cavalry troops war story was being made into a major motion picture, I worried that a Hollywood account of the battle would be inaccurate. Urdu and Pashtun HIG warriors brought arms and ammunition from Pakistan. "[5], On November 9, 2018, the Netflix series Medal of Honor featured two separate episodes for both Romesha and Carter's personal accounts of the events that took place at COP Keating during the Battle of Kamdesh. [14] At the time, Afghan national forces were supervised and trained by members of the Latvian Operational Mentor Liaison Teams. The pick up zone for Able Troop 2nd Platoon was called PZ Reds, located on the side of an 8,000-foot mountain. Youre reading this weeks At War newsletter. The following day, insurgents kidnapped and murdered Fazal Ahad, an elder from Badmuk who was attempting to end the Kom/Kata tribal disagreements by arranging a meeting in Kamdesh. A bus carrying employees of an Afghan television station was bombed in Kabul on May 30. are assisting Somali soldiers fighting Al Shabab, and by a health care system that utterly failed him, The case has irritated U.S. relations with a crucial military ally. 1.33 million dollars was budgeted for these projects. It's a solid 10/10 read: No hot food, No fire support. Ground resupply became almost impossible due to the area's limited roads and the threat of insurgent attacks. Basically, the air support was leaving and coming back. The Distinguished Flying Cross was given to 7 aviators who assisted in defending the base. [7]:28,41,908,123, The Kamdesh village and most of Nuristan is located in the Hindu Kush. As Cordova worked to stop the bleeding, five injured Afghan soldiers and another American who suffered a chest wound were brought in. The outpost's depot was promptly looted by the insurgents and bombed by American planes in an effort to destroy the lethal munitions left behind."[10]. Nearly 20 Air Force and Army aircraft flew close-air support missions throughout the day, helping to kill about 150 insurgents. Mace survived long enough to be evacuated to a nearby medical facility. That was our troopers advantage up there. This includes Scott Eastwood's character, Staff Sergeant Clinton Romesha, telling the men, "We're taking this bitch back," after the camp is partially overrun by Taliban fighters. What if there was a country in place of the Bay of Biscay? [2] Two Americans, Staff Sergeants Clinton L. Romesha and (then Specialist) Ty Carter were awarded the Medal of Honor for their role in defending the base.[3]. It seemed like the entire COP was burning [70 percent did].. Their checkpoints[11] and "taxes" was used to finance AAF operations. These troops were ambushed on the Naray-Kamdesh road and shot up badly enough to prevent their arrival in Kamdesh. As with Captain Benjamin Keating, the movie pushes both of their deaths to 2009 and fictionally depicts both men as being part of the 3/61 CAV (3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment). In May 2016 CBS News profiled Staff Sergeant Romesha, after he published an account of his experiences at the base, entitled Red Platoon: A True Story of American Valor. It is a story about the battle to defend against a coordinated Taliban attack that later came to be known as The Battle of Kamdesh. The attacks size and urgency may have had something to do with the US Soldier Bounty issued by the Ruskies. The veterans who served as technical advisors on the film said that the set was eerily similar to the real outpost, which no longer exists. 2023 All rights reserved. [17], 27 soldiers were awarded the Purple Heart for wounds sustained in combat. They professed a Salafi version of Islam, and were hostile to any political rivals. The movie is based on the 2012 nonfiction book The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor by CNN's Jake Tapper. However, Army 1st Lt. Benjamin Keating's death actually happened three years earlier, in 2006, not 2009. He discussed their common values as leaders of families and communities working toward a better future. Email us at A commander who has no trust for or from his subordinates, keeps them in the dark, and fails to make the intent of his orders clear is making it harder for everyone else to do their jobs and jeopardizing mission success. Some who fled even handed their weapons to Taliban fighters. Shane Courville; Cordova; George Arvidson as Cordova. Regrouping there, they pushed out teams to retake much of the outpost. But I never told the story from my own perspective. Shot in the head by a Taliban sniper after being wounded by RPG fire. Understandable discrepancies emerge when a book that covers four years at a remote mountain outpost is compressed into a two-hour production, but the film unquestionably captures the essence of the soldiers sacrifices, as well as the love we feel and the sorrow we share. The outpost itself also needed to be accessible by road since most of the helicopters were being used in Iraq and were unavailable. In 2006, HIG was actively resisting the Afghan government. Staff Sergeant William "Ryan" Fritsche was killed by rifle fire. This had the potential to boost the local economy, which had seen few civic improvements. While this is indeed alarmingly frequent, the movie makes it seem like the attacks are happening daily. Several of the dogs that hung around the camp were with them, one of which supposedly bit an old woman working in a field. [5][7]:53141 Observation Post ("OP") Fritsche was attacked simultaneously, limiting available support from that position. The camp was constructed by 3-71 Cavalry, 10th Mountain Division (Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition) in the summer of 2006 and was manned by their ABLE Troop element until June 2007. In the end, we gaveThe Outpost movie a Historical Accuracy Score of 8.5/10. In the movie, he dies almost immediately after landing at the bottom of the cliff. Several days after the battle, U.S. aircraft bombed the location in an effort to destroy any munitions that remained. A dog named Cali growled at the eldest son of an Afghan Security Guard, who would often come to the post with his father. American forces had already planned to pull out of the area as part of a plan to move forces to more densely populated areas, so closure of the base was imminent when the attack occurred. Unlike the movie, The Outpost true story reveals that Keating was not alone in the truck. The outpost's depot was promptly looted by the insurgents and bombed on October 6 by a B-1 bomber in an effort to destroy the lethal munitions left behind. "Needed force protection improvements were not made because of the imminent closure of the outpost. Captain Sylvanius Broward (Kwame Patterson), whom the men refer to as "Broward the Coward," shoots the dog to appease the elder and calm the situation. Combat Outpost Keating was a small American military outpost in Nurestan Province, in Afghanistan. When Cordova and I arrived on set, both of us were astounded. Roller attended his next meeting with village leaders dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. These subgroups were in turn divided into clans and sects, depending on lineages and the interpretations of individual religious leaders. U.S. soldiers reported that none of the Afghan soldiers held their ground. Died of his wounds after his leg was hit by a single gunshot wound. Military commanders had already decided to close the base the previous summer, but delayed doing so because of other operations. Wed love your feedback on this newsletter. In 2006, Allied commanders identified the Kamdesh area to be key to denying anti-coalition militia the required access to supply lines crossing into and out of nearby Pakistan. Served with United States Army since 2005 and Participated in. During the Soviet occupation, HIG received more support from the CIA than any other Mujahideen resistance group. In this December 2012 interview, MAJ Melvin Porter, US Army, Signal; discusses his deployment to Afghanistan as a company commander for 3-61 Cavalry (CAV) in 2009 through 2010 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). The camp was originally constructed to be a PRT (i.e., Provincial Reconstruction Team), called PRT Kamdesh, but due to extremely high levels of fighting in the area it remained a fire base instead of a PRT. Was the mortars limited supplies or an ROE thing? Lurie, a West Point graduate and Army veteran, listened to what I had to say and agreed to let me visit the set. [7]:803,945,11620, After marching into the proposed site for the Kamdesh provincial outpost, Captain Michael and Cherokee Company's second platoon were confronted by a large boulder in the middle of the site that made landing a helicopter in the PRT site impossible. [8] In addition, Afghan national forces manned checkpoints and roadblocks at various locations around the area. As a result, the depot was looted by the Taliban. The initiating ISAF forces of 1-91 Cavalry had returned home, replaced by 6th Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division. The landing zone was placed on the other side of the river on a rocky peninsula jutting into the river near Urmul. Of the 53 U.S. soldiers who fought in the Battle of Kamdesh at Outpost Keating, 45 survived, 8 lost their lives, and 27 were wounded. The letter stated: "At the present time for those who work and obey the American devils by taking contracts for building schools, road, and power plants: also those who work as police, district administrators, and commanders as well as sold-out mullahs who deny Allah's orders and holy war and deny the holy Quran: We are telling you that we are continuing our holy war in Allah's will Soon we will start our operations." On July 20, 2006, 2:00 a. m. all of Cherokee Company and one platoon from Able Troop, 3-71 Cavalry Squadron dropped in two Chinooks on Landing Zone Warheit, a cornfield on a ridge near Kamdesh, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Howard to garrison the area. The smaller U.S. force ultimately beat back the attack after a fierce hours-long battle where Apache helicopters, that raced to assist the besieged soldiers, made all the difference. [38], The battle of Kamdesh is documented in the 2017 book Red Platoon: A True Story of American Valor by Clinton Romesha, a former United States Army soldier who received the Medal of Honor for his actions during the battle for Combat Outpost Keating in Nuristan, Afghanistan. Despite overwhelming odds and volume of injuries, MAJ (R) Cordova was able to . On Oct. 3, while Cordova was in the aid station keeping Mace alive, I was fighting to get back with a company of reinforcements. Located along a riverbank in Kamdesh, Afghanistan, the base was surrounded by steep mountains. Staff Sergeant Clinton Romesha and Staff Sergeant Ty Carter were awarded the Medal of Honor for their actions during the battle. Even some of the dialogue is taken word for word from real life. This strategy depended upon extending government control by building and maintaining provincial reconstruction team bases. [35] Capt. Combat Outpost Keating was a small American military outpost in Nurestan Province, in Afghanistan. American military operations in Kamdesh were affected as soon as units began gathering for deployment in the area. Chris Cordova with actors who portrayed him and medics under his command. The movie was filmed in 2018 on a set created at the base of a mountain in Bulgaria, not far from the city of Sofia. [7]:229,256,26380[12], The Battle of Saret Koheh made good on the threats of the "Night Letter". AAF operations were expanding, supported by Taliban organizations in Pakistan. During this battle Taliban members outnumbered US forces in a staggering 5 to 1 ratio and was considered one of the bloodiest battle of the War. The report, released to the public in June 2011, concluded "inadequate measures taken by the chain of command" facilitated the attack, but praised the troops fighting at the base for repulsing the attack "with conspicuous gallantry, courage and bravery. The punishments reflect a recent trend in Afghanistan to hold military commanders accountable for battlefield failures. In December 2006, it was renamed Camp Keating after the death of ABLE Troop 3-71 Cavalry 10th Mountain Division's Executive Officer Benjamin Keating, who died November 26, 2006, while conducting combat operations south of the camp. Quick reaction forces (QRF) from 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment did not reach the outpost until 7:00pm that day, while insurgents remained in parts of the outpost as late as 5:10pm. [7]:1238,1368,18191,407, From August 8 to November 25 of 2006, strenuous efforts were made to supply and expand the PRT by supply convoys using the Landay-Sin valley road from Naray FOB. By now, Porter had strained relations with nearly all of his subordinate leaders. In real life, Keating had served with the 3/71 CAV, not the 3/61 CAV (the unit he's part of in The Outpost movie). A base at the bottom of a valley surrounded by hills which are. David Porter (February 1, 1780 - March 3, 1843) was an officer in the United States Navy in the rank of captain and the honorary title of commodore.Porter commanded a number of U.S. naval ships. Eight aviators were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for helping defend the base. He worked throughout the battle, calling in strikes on enemy positions, even amidst a winter storm that blew in right at the height of the battle. These factors resulted in an attractive target for enemy fighters," the report concluded. These AAF were more professional and probably represented groups from areas outside of Nuristan. On his way, he stopped to offer first aid to wounded troops. Please email thoughts and suggestions to Brown would also note that it was a failure of leadership on Porter's part because of Porter's absolute refusal to explain to his troops why the mortars were being limited. Served with United States Army since 2008. 37 soldiers were awarded the Army Commendation Medal with "V" device for valor. A common misconception is that the Taliban are primitive fighters who lack the necessary skills to be effective in battle. The entire Outpost Keating was recreated. Not an Ordinary Engagement Yes. By all quantifiable metrics, my unit won the fight, but at a devastating cost: Eight soldiers died, 22 were wounded and our camp burned to the ground. Air Force Capt. Action at the Aid Station The movie details Keating's November 2006 death, which occurred when his truck fell from a clifftop road during a convoy run. American troops in Nuristan found themselves directly in opposition to the HIG forces. [5] The U.S. military estimated that 150 Taliban insurgents were also killed as a result of repulsing the assault. They should had just followed their fucking orders. Despite air and artillery support the American forces suffered significant losses. Cordovas care raised the morale of every soldier in the aid station, and word quickly spread across the outpost, the battle narrative stated. [7]:1238,1368,18191,407. Defense officials confirm that three other Army officers face disciplinary action for their role in the attack on the military outpost in Wanat in July, 2008 that led to nine dead U.S. soldiers and 27 wounded. Christopher Cordova, the squadrons physician assistant, was manning the aid station where there was no power. "The investigation concluded that critical intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets which had been supporting COP Keating had been diverted to assist ongoing intense combat operations in other areas," the report said. The action takes place at Combat Outpost Keating, which was initially built to engage the locals in community development projects. The Taliban surprised the outpost with mortar fire and a massive infantry assault which partly overran and nearly destroyed COP Keating, and, while the Americans and their allies held off several Taliban attacks on the base in the bloodiest battle in Afghanistan since the 2008 Battle of Wanat, the outpost was shut down shortly after and its depot They did their jobs, and Im here because of what they did, but air support was definitely a must.. Moreover, again according to Romesha, the officer who was in charge until very shortly before the battle, Captain Melvin Porter, was criminally incompetent and allowed the perimeter defenses to fall into decay, despite repeated requests from Romesha and his friends to improve them. Loss of life was inevitable and the government. [23], Once inside, the attackers set fire to the base, burning down most of the barracks. The Nuristanis had resisted Islam as late as the year 1895 and before that had been considered a Hindu nation (Islamic invaders called them "Kaffir" or heathen) with a long tradition of violently resisting outsiders and their beliefs. [2], The attackers overran Keating's perimeter defenses about 48 minutes into the battle. Keating's story was in the news again earlier this year; he was portrayed in the movie "The Outpost," which tells the story of one of the bloodiest battles in the war in Afghanistan. Many of the Afghan National Army members there in support of the coalition troops fled. Such attacks are not news to men like Capt. But the courage of the Americans who fought there will never be forgotten. The first soldier to arrive had profuse bleeding from the skull. To avoid damaging the trust they had established with the Afghans, Cali and another semi-hostile dog named Willie Pete were shot by Staff Sergeant Ian Boone and another soldier. Feb. 5, 2010— -- A military investigation of a Taliban attack last fall on a remote U.S. army outpost that left eight American soldiers dead and 22 wounded has resulted in administrative punishments for two commanders blamed for "inadequate measures taken by the chain of command.". To a man, they all felt they had an obligation to help out in those areas where they saw Portar as failing, but upon hearing their recommendations, the captain consistently told them, point blank, that he was the commander, not them. This seems to be displayed rather accurately in the movie, at least with regard to how it's described in Tapper's book. Between each take, the director and actors paused and turned to Cordova, who offered feedback to make the scene match his memory. As soon as they left, the insurgents would come back.. [5] Within two minutes of the beginning of the attack, American forces suffered their first casualty. [7]:28,41,908,123, The area had not been occupied by any conventional US forces prior to 3-71 Cavalry's takeover, although Special Operations forces operated in the area on a very limited basis. [39] The Netflix documentary series, Medal of Honor, includes an episode detailing the actions of Clinton Romesha and Ty Carter.[40]. Tiller was also thrown from the truck but his injuries weren't nearly as severe. Again, it was later noted that many of Porter's decisions were sound. prosthetic makeup effects technician: Millennium FX. During the day-long battle at Combat Outpost Keating last Oct. 3, the base was temporarily overrun by an estimated 300 Taliban fighters. Without adequate support, they were left to fight for their lives against overwhelming odds. Insurgents had breached the camp in several locations, including at the main entrance, near the latrine area, and on the eastern side. 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