NTU4Y2Q1ZmY4YmRjNmNlNDMxMDI0YjBmM2QxOGUyMjRiNDZlMTgwN2U1ZTQw Im sure youre lovely and there is somebody out there for you that is mature and respectful and a grown man. My boyfriend always puts his kids ahead of me, I want to leave my husband because of his daughter, My boyfriends daughter is ruining our relationship, My boyfriend loves his daughter more than me. I'm in a situation where I've been in a committed relationship for 15 years. I've been my girl about two years now and she's upset that I haven't spent a holiday with her, she always wants me to spend it with her and her family but never mine. Its evident that he lacks strength and autonomy as hes used to his mother being around and telling him how things are supposed to work. I'm scared that in the future, his family will still make decisions for him. my boyfriend (25m) always chooses his family over me (23f). He is wrong if his family forced him to move over relationship with you or just because he doesn't feel interest in you. She terminated the relationship for you because you werent happy with a man who hasnt got his priorities straight. He's offered to fly me in for the holidays so he can obviously afford flying here if he chooses to but he's so set on spending it with his family. Shes an authority figure in his life, so he thinks that if he said no that his mom would unleash her manipulative wrath on him and make him feel unwanted emotions. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. Why Do I Keep Seeing My Ex-Boyfriend's Name Everywhere? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Partying was more important than being a wife and mom. We were so close before all this happened, and now we barely speak at all. I feel at times and most recently that he doesnt love me anymore but he just doesnt know how to break up with me because lately this has been happening a lot and Im tired of fighting, I really love him. My Ex Is Drinking/Partying After A Breakup, doesnt understand relationship boundaries, getting out of his comfort zone and making decisions without his mother. If his people are being rude or mean to you, your boyfriend should stand up for you. You are learning this now. All bans in this subreddit are permanent. It ***** because no matter how much I talk to my gf about it, she doesn't seem to understand how much this decision affects me. ODU4NjRjNGIzZTFiMDY2Yjg2Yzk1NTk4MWJjN2E1YzcwZTg3Mjk2MmQzOTlk Why Does Your Husband Choose Family Over You In Your Relationship? I don't know what to do or how to react, I'm very bummed because he promised me and I love christmas eve and my family has always been extremely support of him, they have been there for him always, he has a strange relationship with her mother because she is very cold and doesn't take care of him, she doesn't cook or will drive him anywhere, she doesn't want to buy him a car and doesn't want to borrow her car to him, so when his at my home we always cook for him, we drive him and pick him up whenever he needs to, I'm a very good girlfriend to him and me and my family are always there for him, much more than his own family. I, personally, can't even wrap my head around it. The author is asking why her boyfriend chooses his daughter over her. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A perfect guy, but he ended up having to choose between me and his . All of my several states away and want me to visit them this year. Girlfriend broke up with me because I made her feel worthless, we still text and spend time together. I absolutely dread the holidays now. Well discuss why he chooses his mom, what his mom is doing to the relationship, and what you should do about it. Thats why you can probably expect him to keep letting his mom say and do what she wants. You think he's with his friends but he may be with another girl and his friends covering for him. Im only reaching out because, in the end, we are still family. It will create new ones. - he always wanted me to be in their house during weekends. MTU1MGQwZGViYTBlNjQwNDk2YjZkYzdmZWJiZTZmNzMyNTI2Zjc0YjAzNzEx -----BEGIN REPORT----- What do I do? Parents can have a very influential effect on the relationship. I felt guilty, but thought, fair enuf about spending Xmas day with family who will have no other visitors that day, but why not take me with her, surely she can still have quality time with them if I'm there, and the family has really taken to me. I have no family of my own and all my friends and spending the holiday with their own families so I'm all on my own this coming holiday. What you dont want though is to come on too strong. ZDhhNjA5MzlkMzBiMTdmNGI3MTExNTk3ZmMyNGE2MmNkNGRjYjY2NTQwYWFk This is not " close' this is toooo much. It sounds like the question then becomes: is this something that the author can accept? My boyfriend 27 and I 26 have been together for 3 years. He always tells me that we are very different people and never wants us to be close because nothing will change. Boyfriend chooses his sister over me. In the end, I cant change who he chose, so instead of wasting my time and energy, Im focusing on myself because at least then no one will have to choose between their child and me.. Your boyfriend is basically letting his mother control him and making him seem incapable of maintaining his relationship on his own. But I feel disregarded all the time. You have to compromise in any relationship. Its time to take care of my needs and think about myself. MGY3ZjUzYzUyODk3MGI4N2JiYzM3OGE4YjJhZGJlNzZlZDMzNGJhYTcwNzUx I want to spend time with him. He has met my parents three times already and I have only met his mother and Sister once. This article was originally published at PopSugar. He is at her house 2xs daily sometimes 3. for example today there is The thing that got me mad about my ex was that he chose his daughter over me. I have a friend who is trying to get away from this dynamic. At the end of the day he will choose his children over you if you kick off or refuse to speak to them. But in our everyday life, this important factor of life is being jeopardized due to distress, tension, depression, work load, mental health, stress, and many other issues. They claim to be their knight in the shining armor. Vacation what about my mom. My partner has family out of town and most of mine have pasted. RELATED: 6 Things You Can Learn From How A Man Treats His Mother. YABVU He said it's tradition for him to go to some party with some friends that he only sees on Halloween and New Years Eve each year. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Advice from Dr. Laura is, If you are going through this conflict with another person who has children of their own, repeat these words over and over again until they sink in: I love my daughter/son more than anything else in the world. this will be your entire life if you stay with him. Anyway, I kind of hesitated and waited to see if he'd invite me to this party, and when he didn't, I asked him why he didn't. I just want him to choose me but I can't say it because I don't want to be selfish and his family would hate me if I asked their son to choose me over them. ZmMzZDYxY2RlMDllMWYyNmQ3N2MxNWM3NjVjYWU1ZmNlYzkwYTNmNDc3Yjc4 If he chooses to do so respect it and just focus on the good stuff of the relationship. Over christmas i made a big mistake my wife and me went to v GF needed to work on herself but misses me and wanted to spend time together. My boyfriend doesnt show me any love anymore. NDg3YTE5NmU0MTAwMDc3OGU0OGFmYmNmYWFkZmViYjUwNWRhZjcxMzM3MGUx New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Fathers day. Relationships are one of the prime factors in life. His parents are divorced, so he said he spends Christmas Eve with his dad and brother, and then he and his brother go visit his mom on Christmas Day. MGM0ZDU4NWU1NjhjZjRmMzZjODVlZjU2ZWQ2ZmUzOWI1Njg2ZjU2ZmMzNzhh He did say he'd come over in the day time and spend as long as he could with me before he had to go to this party. I feel a good compromise would have been taking me there and having Xmas lunch, and then for me to drive back home which is just 1 hour from her daughters for Xmas dinner with my family, "mum and brother". You should either find a compromise or leave. They had an arranged marriage after migrating to the U.S., where my boyfriend was born. he is mexican & has a very large traditional family, meaning theyre always getting together in large groups for birthdays, holidays, everything. They came as a package just like your DP and his children. I am choosing to put your kids before a relationship can be difficult. Either there is a separation or there is no relationship. So my boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years and we have had our ups and downs through the time we've been together for different reasons but most of our arguments come from him choosing his friends over me. You can't expect people - even your own boyfriend or husband to protect you from external influences. My husband doesnt spend money on me is that ok? I asked him a couple of days ago what he was doing for Christmas. ZGM5ODE2ZDlmMmYwM2Q2NzU0NGNkZTE1NWIxNjQyZjhkYmZkNTAxODQxN2Rh My girlfriend is excepting me to skip out of work to spend time with My bf left me to spend more time with his kids. Maybe its time for me to stop blaming myself and move on with my life. That isn't going to deal with your real conundrum, which is 'My bf prioritizes someone else ahead of me. For some people family is important. In your case, shes focusing on your boyfriend. I'm currently in the same situation and idk what to do. We talked about it calmly and nicely, but feel just a little hurt, especially after her daughter invited me to go there for Xmas lunch. I won't even get into how I'm called controlling for voicing my opinion. Despite committing to you and telling you he loves you, the guy is showing you that youre not his number one person and that things will stay that way for as long as his mother is around. MDIwYThjODdkYmRkODkxNjdmMjNjMWJiNzg2YzczOWNhNDNkMTAzMDkyNWE1 For example, you guys agree that he needs to know three days in advance or else he tells his family he's busy, and after your discussion, he informs his family that he needs three days or more notice or he can't go because it's unfair to you. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiZmJkNDZiMjEwMmU5NDg2ODY1NTU3MDIwOWU4YzI0NmQz They dont need a third person meddling with their business and giving them conflicting advice. I then assure him that he can go play, and he will just walk off and go play. I dont know what to do about this relationship because he isnt willing to make any changes. I **** a girlfriend daily since 8 months. So much so that I've never even met her, nor am I allowed on her property (which is actually no issue for me I'm OK with staying far away from her, believe it or not). Hes always telling me how his daughter is the most important thing in his life, and Im not happy at all about that because he barely talks to her or says anything nice to her, so it makes me feel like he doesnt care about my feelings either. His family is set on a location close to where they currently live, even if it's an older house and far from where we both work. Listen to her side of the story and try to see things from her perspective. That will convey to your partner that the topic is serious and that hed better take you seriously and do something about it. That couldn't be further from the truth. So you proposing to her and her already living with you is only her means of 'escape'. I dont want to have any regrets when he dies. I dont understand how he could choose his daughter over me. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). Why Did My Ex Unfriend Me But Not Block Me? She hates my dad. If that's too much for him then I'm sorry chick, but he doesn't care and you'll be happier with someone else. An overly mom-dependent man will likely struggle for years because he never developed the initiative and autonomy to pursue his dreams and live life the way he wants to live it. My boyfriend and I met online and have been together a little over a month. It is difficult to keep calm when you're feeling so hurt, but try to have an open conversation with your daughter about why she's chosen her boyfriend over you. my boyfriend (25m) always chooses his family over me (23f). I think if your case the only thing you can do is rotate every other year. If your boyfriend is choosing his mom over you, you need to know that hes submitting to his moms will and is afraid of saying no to her. YTZlY2NmZDdlNDlhMTY4NTY3ZDMyM2MyYzE4Y2NmYTRmMSIsInNpZ25hdHVy His ex has been nothing but trouble since we got together although i have done a huge amount to help them. Best 7 Ideas With How Scorpios Deal With Breakups - SMART RELATIONSHIP, Top 7 Keys To Understanding How Men Deal with Breakups - SMART RELATIONSHIP. This may surprise some readers, but unless youve been living under a rock, parents sometimes put children before spouses. Ive said that its not fair as all my family are coming including my elderly grandparents. i did, and I don't regret it. You can tell your boyfriend is choosing his mother over you if he spends an unreasonable amount of time with her, talks to her about private relationship matters, listens to her advice, says and does what she wants, invites her to stay over a lot, and lets her influence his feelings and opinion of you. We've been together ever since. That is complete BS. With that said, heres why your boyfriend is choosing his mother over you. (My boyfriend describes this as generally how arranged marriages go.). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. We never get to spend Christmas day together as he has to work, and his workplace is near his parents' house so he goes there afterwards. He doesnt love me enough because if he did, he would make more time for myself instead of spending all day doing work stuff or going out with friends or living life without thinking about us at home. Like right this minite. So, in a way, I feel bad for his mom. Looks like they are codependent. It hurts so much . There are some men that have been so programmed to "choose" their mother that even when they get married the wife does not end up in first place. She is already having problems that obviously she is not ready for. A "good" mother will give up 'first place' to the new bride (as it should be). ZmQ3ZTYzN2ZjNjIyNmZiYTc2NzU1Y2Y4MWYwYzNiYWNmZWY2YjQ1YjAxMDA3 Maybe it's time for me to stop blaming myself and move on with my life. I heard those kind of problems from friends YzYwMGU2ZDQ3OTBlNzg0Y2U5ODMxYWU0ZjFmNDIwYWNlMWI5MDM0ZmE4OGI0 No one should decide who we can or cant date and how we should treat our partners. Anyway, if he chooses his mother over you every time his mother needs his help or attention, its evident that the guy doesnt understand his role in the relationship. This might be the last with her. Think he's perfect for me, love everything about him. Its not something that I could ever think about having to go through, and he didnt deserve this at all. We'll be on the phone or a Zoom date and she always needs him for something . I encourage fellow readers to reach out and share your experiences and opinions so that it may assist the writer and any future readers in similar circumstances. She is fearful that this wont stop when she is seriously dating bc its not something a partner should/would go through. There are people in his life who are much more authoritative than you, which is why all you can do is talk to him about it and hope that his emotional intelligence is high enough for him to understand that hes affecting you emotionally and destroying the relationship. relationship because of this. Try to have an open and understanding conversation with your daughter. For more information, please see our And then she left him so she could screw around. Answer (1 of 13): You can be jealous all you want. Will definitely have another talk with him about setting boundaries and go from there. I will soon be in your same boat of spending most holidays alone. My parents are divorced and I live with my mum and sister. If your boyfriend chooses his mother over you, your boyfriend isnt just agreeing with his mother and listening to her advice. I remember feeling completely guilty about her reaction. It's impossible not to love my boyfriend. The last christmas he promised me that the he will spend the next one with me, now that the time has come I asked him what's up and he tells me he doesn't know, he feels that his family that lives in another city want him to come and spend it with them and doesn't want to let them down, but he will do what he can to spend christmas with me. His mom is from Pakistan, and his birth father was from India. Generated by Wordfence at Thu, 2 Mar 2023 8:27:27 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. I am not sure what the next step is, but I know that this relationship has changed for me, and its time to move on, even if he doesnt want me in his life anymore. She often feels lonely and doesnt have productive things to engage in, so she focuses on people in her family who can give her a sense of importance. Boyfriend will not introduce me to family or tell his ex-wife he's dating, Friends with benefits didn't want to spend the night. I don't think he's ready to start a new family with me at all. Why does my boyfriend ignore me when he has his kids? What are your feelings on the This as you know him much better than I do? Welcome to r/relationship_advice. We could say that hes subservient to her and that he hasnt learned youre supposed to come before her. What does he do that makes you feel insignificant? I am the boyfriend in this scenario. Unfortunately an ultimatum is the only option in a position like this imo. MDc1MmMyOWQ5YjE2NTE4ZGE1NWVkNTg3ZjczYWNkMzU1MzA0YjM3MWIzMDE3 EVERY DAY!! I've told him I feel this way and of course he told his parents and sister. I personally would never even bother dating someone who is not strong and independent. Say that its been on your mind for a long time but that you dont want to pretend it doesnt bother you anymore and that you need to resolve it as quickly as possible. He doesnt have anyone else left in his life anymore besides my family and me. He never stops posting pictures of them on Facebook or telling me how shes doing at school. First of all, you cant make your boyfriend do what he doesnt want to do. Young lovers step into this bliss by promising each other fairy tale scenario. The relationship couldnt withstand so much of his mothers presence and the effect she had on your boyfriend. 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