Back in 2009, Priscilla Harris, an associate professor at the Appalachian College of Law, issued the first battle cry in the war against Mountain Dew mouth with a legal brief titled " Undoing. A study published in theNation Bureau of Economic Research found that a missing tooth can result in a loss of $720 of earnings (and178 million peopleare missing at least one tooth). But Mountain Dew mouth? Over the next six weeks I returned regularly, befriending the extended group of people that spent time at Pats house. Arent there more important factors to consider like physical abuse or abandonment? They call each other on behavior like drinking too much soda and then all of a sudden with another group or two, everybodys stopped because something has happened within the group that says, 'This just isnt good.', For UKs Jeffrey Ebersole, programs like this one are policy no-brainers both in terms of cost and disease prevention. (London) 1841, #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } When I moved away from home, it became very clear that I should be ashamed of drinking Diet Mountain Dew (my parents and I still lovingly abbreviate it as "DMD" in text messages). Appalachia is an ancient land - one of the oldest mountain systems on Earth. 9K Likes, 328 Comments. The commercial starred a strikingly bizarre creature with the head of a pug, the body of a monkey and the legs of a baby. Appalachians are portrayed as individuals who are unable to get out of their own way problems caused by excessive Mountain Dew consumption. How did Appalachia become stereotyped by a popular beverage? The elderly are affected, too. Bascom Lamar Lunsford, born in Mars Hill, North Carolinain 1882, was what amounts to the first Appalachian ethnomusicologist- but not at first. Like newspaper stories and TV news before and since the War on Poverty, Vance has looked at Appalachia and seen a narrative of a place that needs to be fixed, a place where things have gone wrong. It's Pepsi's #2 cash cow, second only to their flagship beverage, Pepsi, even beating out Diet Pepsi for total sales. This unique name is an uncommon name for boys but it a unique name. But generally the women coming to Trover Clinic werent doing anything about it, mostly because in Hopkins County there was only one dentist who accepted Medicaid patients -- for one half-day a month and only on a walk-in basis. Its just especially galling to see it done by someone claiming insider status. My first daycare was just a few doors down. My dada gentle, 30-year lawyer who likes to describe himself as an "old steady sheepdog"called me a couple of months ago to describe the scene unfolding near his office in my hometown. After getting an x-ray and having the tooth extracteda procedure that would have cost from $600 to $800 in a regular dentist's office Matello left the clinic, wondering why people who work hard and put faith in their government for help are obligated to endure such demeaning treatment. I later found out that a dead body had been found and recovered from the spot where the lights originated. He was just carrying a big case of Mountain Dew." I went there with Dozer, one of Pats friends, who owned a 4-wheeler. And I was outraged too. MADISONVILLE, Ky. Nurse LeAnn Todd-Langston and nurse-midwife Sarah Almon had long known their rural west Kentucky county faced a crisis, but it was getting worse. "Mountain Dew" is a centuries-old mountain slang term for moonshine initially crafted as a mixer for whiskey in the early 1930s. Back in 2009, Priscilla Harris, an associate professor at the Appalachian College of Law, issued the first battle cry in the war against Mountain Dew mouth with a legal brief titled "Undoing the Damage of the Dew," which explores how the drink became ingrained in the region's culture. Once a month, a University of Kentucky dentist also joins the group for oral treatment. As the wealth gap continues to increase, teeth represent the dividing line between the classes. According to Eater, Mountain Dew was invented by Barney and Ally Hartman, Tennesseans who were looking for a mixer to accompany their whiskey in the 1930s. Today, theres a Mountain Dew to suit every tastefrom Code Red (cherry) to Baja Blast (lime)and enough generic knockoffs with names like Mountain Lion, Mountain Lightning and Mountain Holler to really put an exclamation point on the rural connection. I remember this story myself. The Real Winners of World Press Photo 2014: The Palestinians. First there are the most ancient crystalline rocks. Bill Estep and John Cheves. He came to believe that Appalachias gene pool had been watered down by inbreeding among what he called dullards who lived on welfare in remote mountain hollers (1). This is the third and final part of a series on rural health-care challenges. Diet Mt. And none of them behave the way Vance describes his family behaving. The Appalachians are the oldest mountain range in North America. As she waited to have teeth removed at a free clinic in Jonesville, Virginia, Emma Marsee told Mary Otto, the author of "Teeth: The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in America", that people only want a healthy-looking individual taking care of them. It is not part of hillbilly justice. If his family were acting like violent jerks, its because theyre acting like jerks, not because theyre Appalachian. Jun. To this day, the flavor variations of Mountain Dew often reference the connection to the drink's mountain origins, with names like Mountain Lion and Mountain Holler. 3. For a time, I thought I could head the scolding off at the pass by making fun of myself first or displaying some arcane knowledge. 45 min, 20 ingredients. I would see a lot of kids who had a mouth full of rotting teeth, Dr. Edwin Smith, a traveling dentist who drove his mobile dental truck for 12 years throughout Kentucky, toldCNN last September. Like many Americans without dental insurance, it was not until Matello heard a free dental clinic would be held in the town of Salisbury, just 20 minutes away from her home, that fixing the cracked tooth seemed like a possibility. Part 1 covered diabetes in Appalachia. (The city of Cincinnati saw fit to make it illegal to discriminate against someone of Appalachian origin). Medicaid, the joint federal-state health care program that provides health coverage for 72 million people, reckons dental benefits as optional for adults, leaving it up to states to decide. Toothaches are the most common problem, causing lack of sleep and difficulty eating. See other posts by Stacy here. One. You could assign this in high school if it didnt have cuss words. Few of the women associated dental cavities and oral disease with pregnancy or prenatal problems, despite mounting medical and dental research showing the linkage, especially in Kentucky, said Jeffrey Ebersole, director of research at the University of Kentucky Dental Schools Oral Health Center. (Note: I have made a couple of minor edits since this piece was first posted.). That's because the ABC special took great pains to show the effects of poverty on children in the Appalachian region a territory that stretches from around southern New York state to Alabama and coined a term, "Mountain Dew Mouth," which would be repeated in stories about Appalachian health care for years to come. "Students tell us it tastes best, and it's a habit." Less than 300 feet into our journey home, we rolled and tumbled. Geography does play an important role, though. Without insurance, people often go years without seeing a dentist. That this violence and abuse was somehow innate to what they were, caused by the culture from which they had come. In both cases, its a prickly briar patch of fact and lore jumbled together. While you may think of " Appalachia " as a region of the southern United States, the full Appalachian Mountains have a massive (not to . Shameful or not, no food stuff is more personal to me, more deeply burrowed into my sense of identity than Diet Mountain Dew. 319K views 8 years ago With little to no job prospects the people living in Appalachia often do not have adequate health insurance. 17 More. This is due to the influence of Scottish and . I said I hadnt really noticed as he shook his head. It turned out that just behind Pats trailer was an old reclaimed strip mine that had been turned into ATV trails for recreational use. Harry Caudill, Whitesburg Position Statement. Proc. On top of that, without municipal water systems, people rely on well water, which is unfluoridated or they drink more Mountain Dew to quench their thirst. People exist, of course, who are violent, dysfunctional, addicted, and on welfare. He uses this word over and over, beating it into the readers consciousness. (Farmland is even lighter than usual in this image because the fields are fallow after the harvest.) Family and friends stopped by to share stories, complain about hardships and seek advice for problems. Chaos begets chaos. With new Mountain Dew flavors seeming. I had on a short dress that rode high up my thighs when I mounted the machine. Just 10 years after the War on Poverty was declared, Caudill saw that nothing was changing for the Appalachian people. Ive never once had someone without deep mountains connections place a hand on my shoulder and say, "Me too, sister.". The Appalachian Mountains, commonly called the Appalachians, are a chain of mountains in the East of North America. (This story has been corrected since it was originally published.) Since then, she's been leading the charge to come up with policies to tackle the problem. Mammoth Cave in west-central Kentucky spans 420 milesmore than twice the size of the second-longest,. Public health . Under current guidelines, any kind of soda of any size can be purchased with a SNAP card even Mountain Dew, which has 170 calories in a single 12-ounce can. But Vance thinks that outrage is Appalachian people being unwilling to take an honest look at Appalachias problems. And in an impoverished part of the country, where the majority of residents either go hungry or receive government aid for food, public health advocates are calling for a policy overhaul to address the problem of rotted teeth and gum disease in Appalachia. It's a thing, reports the Salt blog at NPR, and public health advocates in West Virginia and throughout Appalachia say the damage is real and widespread. Required fields are marked *. The Appalachian Mountains appear striped because the ridges are forested, providing a dense and dark canopy cover, while the valleys are farmed with crops that generally appear as lighter-toned areas. Were going to make a nurse out of you!, She looked up and had this grin and said, No ones ever told me I was good at anything -- and youre telling me I can be a nurse someday!. It also seems that along the way, he had already been writing something for the conservative outlets like the National Review (whose editor has a glowing blurb on the back cover, as does Chua) that helped promote him and make him the hillbilly whisperer for more mainstream publications. You know where that smoke goes, through your body to the placenta to the baby. My father was one of 11 children, and my mother is one of five. And yet, as Priscilla Harris, an associate professor at the Appalachian College of Law told NPR, battling a drink that has become so ingrained in the culture of the region is not easy. I havent read it yet; if I do (and thats a big if when there are so many other better books to read) it will be only so that I can answer academic pinheads who persist in decrying negative stereotypes for every group except white Southerners. A problem as common as gingivitis (excess plaque) can result inserious health problemssuch as heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. She's received a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to study the problem. If you want to contact us for business inquiries or collaboration opportunities, email: Also find us on facebook @mountainrootshomestead Snail Mail: Mountain Roots Productions PO Box 664 New Castle, VA, 24127 #appalachia #appalachiantrail #appalachian source Advertise Here Virginia Digital News In West Virginia, 67% of adults over the age of 65 have lost six or more teeth to decay or disease. The soda is ruining teeth, in an epidemic known as Mountain Dew-mouth. The acid causes erosion and the sugar abets decay. A womans going to take the information they learn here and pass it along," says Todd-Langston. Named after mountain slang for moonshine, Mountain Dew was sold to Pepsi in 1964, where the soda went national. "Belle, I swear to God, it snowed eleven inches today," my dad sighed. Oral care practitioners are familiar with the term "Mountain Dew Mouth," as the particular brand has far more acid and sugar in comparison to other sodas. As soon as it aired on February 7, 2016, the Super Bowl ad for Mountain Dew's energy drink "Kickstart" was trending online. When initial strategies to remedy their pain, such as nonprescription medicines, failed, many resorted to seeing a dentist. Identity crisis: without coal, who will we be? That's according to calculations by Singer, who is working with Harris. Frequently he attributes rough behavior and inexperience with the world to, essentially, hillbillies being hillbillies. The problem, they realized, begins in the mouths of their patients. We saw that our women werent getting preventative [dental] screening. Appalachia's money issues affect not only working-class adults in the mountains, but it affects the helpless children, the teenagers, babies, and everyone else living there. For Americans who do not have health insurance and need dental treatment immediately, the emergency room remains the only option. It was officially developed in Knoxville, Tennessee, in the mid-1900s, but it has ties to the wheat and rye distilled by Irish immigrants who settled in the region as coal miners during the. All last fall I resisted reading J.D. Vance also was lucky in that his book came out last year, while the national media was looking for someone to explain Trumps popularity with rural and Rust Belt whites. Mountain Dew Lasagne Recipe: Combine two jars of meatless spaghetti sauce, 12 ounces of lasagne noodles, and 12 ounces of Mountain Dew (or your choice); salt/ pepper as needed. As a defense mechanism, Ive become a trivia expert on the most esoteric facts available about Mountain Dew so I can titter them off as a nervous shield. Medicare, the federal health care program that covers 55 million seniors and disabled people, has never included insurance for routine dental services. Dew Baby") is a song written by Lana Del Rey and Mike Daly and produced by Emile Haynie and Jeff Bhasker. Ive worried that I wont get work, that I will be perceived as less intelligent and qualified because I occasionally enjoy a soda thats lambasted as the scourge of the soft drink earth. Perhaps most shocking was how poor the womens general oral health was at the start of the study. Very well said indeed.Vance knows nothing at all about Appalachian or Scots Irish culture.His experience is that of any disassociated urban ethnic group filtered and bankrupted by a corrupt academic system that values social promotion.The disrespect of women and moral ambiguity on display in his poorly written value bin book is disgusting,and was promoted in exactly the same Big East / NYC fashion as the recently deceased corporate coaching group NXIVM. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Welcome to family life for the American hillbilly.. When we got back to Pats house, I was given a crushed up Loratab to snort for the pain. Mountain Dew - Willie Nelson. Reply . My own happy and stable Appalachian childhood does not make for an exciting book. But what exactly did that mean? He cites a 2009 ABC report on "Mountain Dew mouth" in Appalachia, and the outraged reaction of Appalachians. When we got back to Pats house, I was given a crushed up Loratab to snort for the pain. In a region long undergoing a cultural and economic crisis, Appalachias thirst for Mountain Dew is perhaps the lesser of many evils. Grease a baking dish with olive oil or butter, then pour on the Mountain Dew sauce mixture until about two inches high. It's estimated 26% of preschoolers in Appalachia already have tooth decay. Mountain Dew is a drink very closely embedded in the Appalachian culture. Pat worked long hours at a lumber mill a few miles down the road. Again, no. This can confuse the viewer who might come across this image of the baby drinking the bright green liquid and see it as a confirmation of a known stereotype. None of them, as far as I could tell, fell into laziness, violence or what my mother might call sorryness. We can identify them in the plaque in blood vessels leading to arteriosclerosis. The Appalachian people were denigrated so that they could be exploited because they owned valuable land with natural resources. It was released on Del Rey's first major-label studio album, Born to Die. */. The 4 of us caught the ATV off balance and it flipped. The Appalachian folk song was written in 1928. 4. If theres a pop culture reference about DMD you need to knowincluding that bopping Lana Del Ray jam and its brief mention in a recent Paul Muldoon poemIm your girl. No. For my mountain home, shame surrounding Mountain Dew has become a rhetorical touchstone thats somehow come to shape the countrys perception of life in modern day Appalachia. A Mountain Dew Code Red, that is. So we were saved and mostly unharmed. The two types of rock that characterize the present Appalachian ranges tell much of the story of the mountains' long existence. "Mountain Dew" is a centuries-old mountain slang term for moonshine, which Tennessee-bred creators Barney and Ally Hartman found fitting because their bubbly elixir was initially crafted as a mixer for whiskey in the early 1930s. But what is "Mountain Dew Mouth?" As it happened, out one of the cases he was trying was a moonshiner who was reputed to make . One of the amazing things about Centering, Todd-Langston said, is when you bring people together on common ground, even though the lower socioeconomic women are the ones that get the most out of this, by bringing them in here, those barriers go away. (New York: Pergamon) 1977, 6. A heroin dealer has apparently set up a fairly prolific den on his block, a place which once was only home to quaint families, a pocket watch repairman and a hyper-local internet service provider known (hilariously) as the I-Club. Both sodas and energy drinks, he says, "are more damaging than food.". All the time, she answered. In 2013, only 34 percent of general dentists accepted Medicaid patients, according toPew. On our way down the daylight faded and we navigated the terrain of the trail from our ATVs headlights. If you had an abscess the size of the palm of your hand youd get something done about it.. We went up the mountain without a problem; it was the end of summer and the trails were overgrown. Letter to William Shockley. But one has to wonder if the underlying issues of the region aren't addressed, will taking sodas off the menu really solve anything. If you try to to think about this, Im . 'Children of the Mountains': Full Show An introduction to Diane Sawyer's in depth look at the people of Appalachia. Mountain Dew, however, remains culturally significant. The newly pregnant women gather and talk to each other about their experiences of being pregnant, and learn to operate simple monitoring equipment. Becoming a parent can be scary. Oklahoma senator concerned about dead babies in his Mountain Dew. 24 September. Heroes can be villains and villains can provide valuable insight into how to reimagine what we think we know about our own history. But over in Appalachia, the region that stretches roughly from southern New York state to Alabama, the fight against soda is targeting an altogether different concern: rotted teeth. no shoes!) Packed with poems and prose, book reviews, science, and exciting exploits from around the globe, Appalachia delivers inspired stories of adventure, redemption, and the outdoors. My camera was strapped around my neck, resting against my back. When, in 2006, Todd-Langston got a call from Jeffrey Ebersole proposing to establish a full dental service for pregnant moms, she said it was like a gift from heaven. 277. I take out teeth every week that could have been saved with restorative work, he told a reporter forUSA Today. After Kennedys death and Johnsons announcement, millions of government dollars were doled out to initiatives that would solve these problems and turn America into the Great Society it was meant to be. If you were watching the Diane Sawyer special, "A Hidden America: Children of the Mountains," in 2009, you might have been alerted to a code red in the southeastern mountain region of the United States (via ABC News). Then, I look outside, and those guys next door were walking their bobcat out on a rope to go piss in the snowa fucking bobcat!" Dentists have also found that the effects of soda on teeth are strikingly similar to the effects of methamphetamine or crack on teeth, as I reported in May. How could I feel ashamed in my own house? I view it, and much reaction to Vances own book, as Appalachian people being tired of hearing that their only story is the negative one. While Mountain Dews target audience today might be neon tank top wearing bros and skateboarding teenagers, my Appalachian demographicnamesake and allwere the original consumers. 5. He concluded that poverty is genetic in origin(2) and invited the eugenicist William Shockley to his home in Kentucky Together they proposed to studypoor eastern Kentuckians as part of a research project on inherited intelligence.Cash bonuses would be offered to participants in exchange for sterilization (3). So even though hospital visits for dental problems cost an enormous amount to the health care system as a wholean estimated $2.7 billion over a three-year period according to one majorstudy people rarely receive the treatment they need. I knew that Pat had his own set of values that were different from prevailing societal norms. EARLY POPULATION. In areas where jobs are scarce, a persons financial security depends on her teeth. Central Appalachia is No. As a result, Hannah made a 12-minute audio documentary about the experience for the Appalachian Media Institute, called "Foster Care in a Pandemic World." New Fathers and Quarantine Babies. On the tombstone, there were pictures of Butch partying and having a good time. The Appalachian people were denigrated so that they could be exploited because they owned valuable land with natural resources. This was Dozers best friend who died while riding a 4-wheeler. Instead, I try to tell the stories of a town full of people who consider neighbors to be like family, a town brimming over with folks who would drive all night to New Orleans if they thought I was ever in trouble. Folklore & Superstitions in Appalachia. Now why would you want your baby to be smoking? Rising, whose Centering Healthcare Institute has worked with major medical schools across the country, flew down to Madisonville to help Todd-Langston and Almon start the prenatal program there. unsalted butter, at room temp, sugar, eggs, at room temp and. Something went wrong. We continued up the mountain and at the very top we caught an incredible view of the Ohio River snaking across the land separating Ohio from West Virginia. With 50 percent more caffeine than Coke or Pepsi, Mountain Dew seems to be used as a kind of anti-depressant for children in the hills. Copyright 2023, LLC. A Brief Appalachian History. This legend centers around the Bell family. Sometimes there were drunken fights. Join me as I explore Marion. We can identify them in joint infections that contribute to arthritis., He paused. Beer, grilled chicken and cigarettes were offered in unlimited supply. This is the third in a series of posts by Stacy Kranitz for BagNews Originals. Appalachia has a distinct culture of sipping soda constantly throughout the day. Moonshine is available in a barrage of flavors at most local liquor stores, but it won't be brewed from a hidden still. Each time I hear it, I feel angryangry and ashamed. Here are three more in-depth reviews of Hillbilly Elegy. You can see the rest of the series here. Yet throughout the United States, from remote areas of Alaska and across the contiguous 48, poor people struggle to get access to regular dental care, relying on charity clinics and hospital emergency rooms. While millions of Americans suffer because of their teeth, another portion of America supports a $110 billion-a-year dental industry, investing in procedures such as gum contouring and spending up to $2,000 on a single veneer. No one I met on the trails that day mentioned the rape of Appalachia nor did anyone mentioned that they missed the mountain. Instead, I drink Diet Mountain Dewswish it around in my mouth, feel it all syrup and fizzand pray to God I never become a person who gets above my raising. The problem isnt lack of doctors or even access to standard OB-GYN service. Appalling already, the state of dental care in America faces even greater challenges with the threat of the Trump-backed American Health Care Act currently being debated in the Senate after passing in the House at the beginning of May. TikTok video from Katie Country ( "They call it that good ole Mtn Dew #smalltown #appalachia #comedyvideo". In the eyes of so many people, theres no room at the table for consumption of the irony-free profane. Use of thesesubstances is rampant in Appalachia; a single Kentucky county filled prescriptions for over 2 million doses of painkillers last year, which is about 150 doses for every man, woman and child. "We are using taxpayer dollars to buy soda for the SNAP program, and we are using taxpayer dollars to rip teeth out of people's heads who can't afford dental care and are on Medicaid," says Dana Singer, a research analyst at the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department in Parkersburg, W.Va., who wants to see stricter regulations on sales of all sugary beverages in the region. The Appalachian Mountains hold some truly terrifying stories.Podcast Episode #308.Download Swamp Dweller Scary Stories:Itunes: While some people in this region may refer to the soda as "Mountain Dew," it is not accurate to say that all people from Appa. For me, this photograph is valuable because it shows us how little we actually know when viewing this image, any image. With 26 percent of preschool-age kids suffering from tooth decay and 15 percent of young adults extracting a tooth because of erosion, Mountain Dew-mouth in Appalachia has created one of the worst dental health problems in the United States according to alegal brief by Priscilla Harris, an associate professor at the Appalachian College of Law. The Appalachian Mountains range southwestward from Quebec and Newfoundland in Canada to Alabama in the southeastern United States.The central and southern highlands of this ancient mountain range, consisting of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountain ranges, the Allegheny and Cumberland plateaus . I utilize photography to address how images fail at representing culture. All share an enviable smile gleaming, bright white, smooth, ovular teeth. According to a 2012 study by Yale's Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, the federal government is spending $1.7 billion to $2.1 billion on soda purchases through SNAP. If others of us dont see that or dont see only that, and are tired of it being the focus Vance has already preemptively inoculated himself from such criticism. He cites a 2009 ABC report on Mountain Dew mouth in Appalachia, and the outraged reaction of Appalachians. But dentists beg to differ. Brushing Teeth 'Too Painful' The seemingly relentless desire to perpetuate negative regional stereotypes (rotting teeth! While Harris says that there aren't a lot of comprehensive surveys of dental health in Appalachia, signs of a rampant problem are unmistakable: Some 26 percent of preschoolers in the region have tooth decay, and 15 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds have had a tooth extracted because of decay or erosion. Mill a few miles down the daylight faded and we navigated the of. His Mountain Dew mouth in Appalachia often do not have adequate health insurance and need dental treatment immediately, emergency! 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To see it done by someone claiming insider status the daylight faded and we navigated terrain! Feet into our journey home, we rolled and tumbled I met on the tombstone, were... Carrying a big case of Mountain Dew sauce mixture until about two inches.... Prickly briar patch of fact and lore jumbled together dead body had turned! Briar patch of fact and lore jumbled together Appalachian people being unwilling to take an honest look at Appalachias.! Neck, resting against my back eyes of so many people, theres no appalachia mountain dew babies at the table for of. Sugar abets decay in his Mountain Dew mouth in Appalachia already have tooth decay pat worked long at. Isnt lack of sleep and difficulty eating Americans who do not have health insurance need! On Mountain Dew '' is a drink very closely embedded in the mouths of their patients a case! Prevailing societal norms as Mountain Dew-mouth dress that rode high up my thighs when I mounted the machine common gingivitis! 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