Libra's feel and intuit the world can be vastly overwhelming for those Libra's that don't have an earth sign to anchor them in this world. Not be the only reason Im happy. I ended all contact. It might sound detrimental to others, but a Libra would rather put others' feelings first before their own. Libra (September 23 - October 22) She may have a hard time . For me i prefer friends who speak brutal true than sweet but fake words. I dont think I'm fake or that im better than anyone bc the only perfect one is God and ive had a too messed up childhood to think im better than anyone, also being my father recently passed this year Feb 2019. Libra is a sign ruled by Venus, which means Libras prefer to use logic over emotion. I am thankful she has a new Prey in her life, anything to keep her away from me, let her manipulate that poor sap of an Aries man! If you're into astrology and zodiac signs, you know the general personality traits and mannerisms for each sign especially your own. The reason a Libra man tries to hide his feelings is because he wants to be sure before taking a giant leap. OK so now she knows many of my inner secrets and treating me like nothing really changed between us except less lovey dovey stuff. The men. Libras can be extremely easy going until their sense of justice is upset. I know a few Libras. In person with me he followed me around my campus and was excessively "helpful". im prayin she would find a bf to get a distraction. But then again, it's for a good cause?). I immediately had her pegged as a boyfriend snatcher, took charge and used my partner's phone to phone her back (not knowing her star sign). If one looks at the long picture of a persons actions or decisions, they may fall more into one sign than others. Try doing that for a day lol. Other zodiac signs may be a little bit more subtle about this. How on earth can a libra lie so long,bring up drama and then pretend to be a peace maker. (1) his sister's name is completely different than mine. The only reason I can think of is that, it is because we hide ourself so well in public that we carry all the annoyances and irritation back home, to a place we do not need to hide and while at home, the slightest irritation can wreck havoc. He's sick but I don't know what to do now because I've reached an adult age and have lived with the nightmare of those horrible experiences in my life. Stressful Circumstances. I have my absolutely awful moments when I break someone's trust, when I hurt someone's feelings, and try to control everything and act like it's not my fault. Because the same person who, held your hands, hugged you and said everything will be ok we're going to get through this together, will be the same person who tells your weak, thats why these things happen. I once got angry at one of my siblings and I zoned out while I was close to their neck to chock them. Since we are all complex individuals, it can be hard to just pin a few personality traits to each of us and leave it at that. And i had to join to comment lol. Most Emotionally Strong Zodiac Signs. Libra's born with out an earth sign to ground them.are doomed to wander their life trying to find meaning and purpose while taking in the entire universe and not knowing what to do with any of it. Great lays. A Libra woman may decide that it is acceptable to simply ignore or dismiss topics that she doesn't want to speak about. 4.) When this occurs, she may choose to turn her attention elsewhere. I am spiritual and often pray for guidance, when I start to second guess decisions or blame myself endlessly for my mistakes. Nobody tells scorpios what to do. Sorry, if i have to choose to trust someone, i will choose people born under the signs of Leo,Sagittarius,Aries, Aquarius, Taurus,Scorpio and Cancer. I really don't think there should ever be an article that claims EVERY libra does such and such.. that's like saying every American likes pizza. Librans are great at handling heartbreaks. 1. im sure its not just the libra in her, she is a narcissist. But I can agree when there's a negative personality and it's fixated on the sign some ppl are going to agree. But I've also tried to genuinely fix my mistakes and repair the damage I cause because of my behavior. We were close like family and talked a lot on the phone and only during work hours(my choice after we started dating in 2000). She wants to feel free and keep it light, turning away naturally from people whose characteristics feel too negative or intense for her. If possible, then you should provide her with the material and time to work on something that makes her happy. Pisces is the most sensitive sign in the zodiac. Started playing head games until we finally got head to head and she said no I never did that, we are just friends. They usually have a sense of "me against the world," which can make them feel helpless when depression hits. So while avoiding ugliness and confrontations, I work hard to make those things never happen. We often come of too dry and soulless, artificial, but for me it just happens because I am so numb from all the emotions and guilt about the most stupid little things.I've spent years trying to figure myself out, because I don't want to be full of shit, I want to be good and sincere and honest. Or the inability to care about circumstances in our roomie situation that were distressing to me as I thought of her like a sister. It is certain that she will appreciate having someone in her life who will give her a safe place to share the stresses that she is managing. This is not true ! )are NOT COMPATIBLE? Am I going to take out all my frustrations on my wife and kids even???? she physically, verbally, emotionally, and spiritually abused me as far back as i can remember. As a result, you hide your sadness, fear, frustration, and other so-called negative emotions. I think it's true that Libras like things balanced and harmonious. Creating injustice and spreading unfairness tip the balance of the scales in which Libras will work tirelessly to set back right. You won't have to worry about a Libra cheating. Well long story longer I could not invited my best friend and family to my own wedding I'm hurt didn't phase her. My life was fairly quiet and normal until Mr. Libra came into my life. Dont tell libras your secrets or anything. This helped. I have zero desires to be a negative libra but honestly don't how to turn it around or even if I can. He is very intelligent and extremely good at computers/programming and logical science, stuffs which requires a lot of high IQ. The determined, level-headed Capricorn can become the complete opposite when depressed. I use to be a joyful person and chose to spread that joy until i actually got out of dreamland and saw reality and i just lost all hope in humanity so if reading this comment and this article amuses you or disgust you and youd rather have bitter, souless people in your life like ive become then ruin someones accidental innocent hope of life and the world. and YES guess sometimes I lose hope. When he learned I didn't own a car, he would "insist" on driving home from class. Most people are made of many layers, and can exhibit any set of traits associated with a various signs at any given time. This funk can have lasting effects until a Capricorn really gets back to their old self. Then found out he had suffered a bad injury. i was a good kid. Every sign is capable of this but ive only seen it with the Scorpio sign. How can two people who are different yet the same say the same thing about me? The women i deal w them at a distance. I, remember all the bad stuff anyone has ever done to me BUT i have a patience of a God. RELATED: The Negative Personality Traits Of The Scorpio Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology. He had made so many promises to me about the future we had together. You will find that the following article will help you navigate your relationship when she is dealing with grief, doubt, or regret. The Libra 2 guy I knew literally created a conflict between a Sagitarrius girl I did NOT know -- she was sending me DM's telling me how much she HATED me and I was thinking, I don't know this girl and she doesn't know me except for seeing photos of me with Mr. Libra on Facebook. Unfortunately, some people are selfish, insensitive, and don't know how to value a sincere person like myself. They will, only and only if it's required. So that could be their another dark, sick and spiteful dark sides to add into the ones mentioned in this article. She also cries at the drop of a hat. While this may seem like a negative trait, it can actually be quie . The Libra emoji depicts the sign of Libra, a constellation and one of the 12 zodiac signs in astrology. You want to see fire, you'll get the air ripped from your sales! Considering the importance of maintaining a good relationship with a Libra woman, we invite you to look through our article collection about how to have a healthy relationship with a Libra woman, as this will provide you with a host of tools to help you successfully navigate your relationship. They often hide whatever thoughts they have in their minds because they want the people around them to accept and like them. I won't let anyone treat her badly. The women are backbiting, self-absorbed, jealous and very lazy! And then there are the decans of each zodiac sign, in which will defer from each other but still be somewhat the same of each other. We are the empaths of the Zodiac.the unconscious rhythm of the universe connected to both sides of all things: Light/Dark - Good/Evil - Balance/Chaos - Moderation/Gluttony - Sanity/Insanity - Love/Hate - Beauty/Ugliness - Consciousness/Unconsciousness etc etc etc. And I know there's a dark side but I'm not a dark person. I, pity myself to the point where i start crying. I hate quarrels. At least when im about to say a lie i have her in my mind to tell me if im going to be fake no one will apreceate my true kind and loving self . if you think you're leave a Libra or divorced him/her absolutely you thinking wrong We are spend 2-3 hours before buy/sell something so if we really don't want to leave we would never let you go. when i say spiritual abuse, she was always in to some different religion even witchcraft at one point. I found out later they talked on the phone after my wife told me. When charged with bad behavior, they will say, Oh, Im such a bad person. We expect people to act gracefully and with consideration of one another.we hate people that act like mindless brutes and we can not stand those that take advantage of others for their own gain. By the way, those of you who had Libran parents that treated you like garbage, what's your sign? I made decision to stop communicating with her. A Libran I worked with began the day by removing her coat and airing her daily 20-minute complaint. As a Libran myself, I can see all my negative traits, for example; A technique that strangely comes naturally to me. Spot on Abbas- "They say Librans hate conflict and that we shy away from them, that's what others see, but what they don't realize is that we're fighting not to open our mouths out of psychologically, emotionally and spiritually dismantling you on the spot". At this time, she may begin to feel that she has been ignored by the people that she cares about most. The UKs WORST politicians are librans: Thatcher, Cameron and May. I like to surround myself with positive happy people. Here's why. Yes, lazyness is something theyll admit to. If this occurs, then attempt to nourish your relationship as soon as possible. Although I do see some parts of the negative traits, for me personally, I think some of these listed seem exaggerated to highlight the most negative Libras out there. How Can I Help a Depressed Capricorn Man? Librans are gifted with eloquence and intelligence but cant make a concrete decision to save their life! RELATED: What Happens When An Aries Is Hurt? In fact the way one reacts to whatever angers them is much more beyond a zodiac sign. Can breast milk come back after drying up? Librans are extroverted, cosy, and friendly people. None of this rings true for me and you should not say "even the best" this emplies EVERY SINGLE Libra thinks more of themselves than they think of you. me, me, me..lie. Being an air sign and the only sign symbolized by an inanimate object, Libras lack genuineness and honesty as their opposite sign, Aries. The signs a Libra man is trying to hide his feelings aren't always that obvious but you can't really ignore the fact that he constantly smiles and laughs around you and his eyes are always sparkling when he sees you. They are manipulators, competitive sickeningly beneath the surface. Often, the question "Why?" Really a Pisces dreamworld is the realest compared to it. This can harm their relationship with others. I don't particularly like this post but that's because it just doesn't fit me personally. Always. It's an incredibly difficult situation to be in when people don't believe you're telling the truth or being real. I have known other Libra women too. The world needs more light from you. I'm a Capricorn who's been getting to know this Libra male. They have this bubbly, sweet and openminded personality and claim to only want peace; until you realize how much they crave dramas with all their badmouhthing against the people they claim to be "friends". A Libra woman thrives in entertainment, happiness, joy and elegance. Yes we are very indecisive and do not need to put our artificial input of wisdom into anyones mind bc if you ask me the same question twice youll get most likely get a different answer each time bc my morals and values change daily bc im an indecisive libra and i also have Borderline Personality Disorder lol. Bye bitch see ya never. Their lover. 1.) I tried several times to con myself that perhaps my gut instinct was off, I'd since found out she was a Libra, I'd never met one until then (that's a whole 36 years without knowing a Libra, I wasn't missing anything). This may be due to the fact that they are considered the "peaceful" sign of the zodiac, or because they are taught from a young age to keep their feelings hidden. She seems to create alot of drama, does not have a good word to say about people, compains. Another TV judge who had an attitude is Simon Cowell (Oct. 7). what a joke!!! They don't do petty gossip; instead, they pride themselves on being a person people can confide in. I am the oldest daughter in my family I have 2 Libra sisters they only see their pain, their personal gain. How to Start a Conversation With an Aquarius Man, How to Have a Healthy Relationship With a Sagittarius Woman. I am worried that the very same relationship that i have with my parents is what I will have with my wife and kids. I'll take it all. Turned to a puppy, sorry from heaven to hell. A lifelong libra friend I'm strongly considering giving up. Librans Are Born From September 23 October 22. I have really pulled back and we have gotten into some fights where then she won't stop the damn apologizing. K so i love every other sign. I'm a Libra with lots of planets in Scorpio. Second thought about this subjectwe all have negative traits, can't have the positive without the negative. Ive had so many ppl misuse me and take advantage of me but soon as I react Im the crazy one, I am a Libra and I can tell u when u make a Libra mad they get quit and when that happens the best thing to do is leave cause they are about to snap, Aries women here I have a Libra soon to b ex friend and a brother and these are very giving ppl and they are charming but they do have a dark side especially when you get close to them my friend known her for 7 yrs God mother to my kids I loved this friend and I really praised her and always was there for her I would take a bullet for her cuz when an Aries love sooo deep and we r sensitive but she used to put me down in a sarcastic way n I felt she wanted to hurt me when she said it but I use to brush it off cuz she's done so much for me n me for her and recently her roommate told me she was speaking of my husband wanted to screw her n she use to say so many mean things about me so as an Aries I confronted the situation with my husband and her roommate and her all together and I was so hurt that she had this hatred against me it broke my heart she couldn't say anything and wanted to leave the room and I that moment I found out who she really was I wish her the best but not in my life and my brother I've tried to b there for him emotionally physically and still didn't work definitely got stabbed in the back so just b careful if u feel too deeply and love deeply u might end up being their prey I know they might not all be like that I hope but I had enough of Libra I connect with them but will never ever be devoted to one again that's my experience n boy I'm still healing from the hurt but life moves on, This article makes me regret being a Libra :') What a pity my mother didn't postpone my birth. When it's a Libra's partner doing the breaking up, this air sign does everything in their power to make sure the partnership ends on good terms. If i started talking excitedly about what i was learning and even invited her to class, she was cold, uncaring and uninterested (this is the woman who maxes out credit cards at cheap clothing shops..). When contronted, she will attacks you, cry, yell about how unfair life is and youre a bad guy for tainting the pristine image that they have. Libra men are very indecisive. Of course all us libra aren't like that and have EVERY negative trait. We libras are very difficult people for families to get along with. the least balanced sign. They just say: If thats what it takes. It took Libran baseball idol Mark McGwire (Oct. 1) five years to confess to using steroids. Im married too a Smokin Hot Libra MILF Shes a handful to deal with has a nasty attitude only directed at Her Husband Mevery controlling but Im a handsome Pisces I can deal with anybody or anythingWhen She does make Love Shes a Credit too Her Gender. They know what needs to be done in order to get what they want,and its most likely theyll get it one way or another. Following your star sign kind of feels like a guide into the real you. The other libra I know, is charming also. He's been nicer to me than when I was younger, but I can't erase my past memories and my feelings are of a great pain still because I can't forgive him at all even tho he's nice and the most helpful person in my family at the moment. And sometimes I feel terrible about myself because I constantly fight my own feeling of wanting him to rotten in hell, because I feel I shouldn't as he's my brother. I, might be a good actor to not-so-close people, or to be more accurate, the mirror - to be exact same reflection of themselfs. Some of us try really hard to break the image a handful of Librans create. I just decided to keep my personal life private from her. I feel I am always there, I mean daily, to boost her up, just to not have her there when I need her or to even respond to a text in a decent amount of time. You look and sound evil and very quite bitter. Sagittarius' bubbly and outgoing personality is put on hold when they get depressed, causing them to feel lethargic and sometimes even use substances to escape their reality. Libra bad moon stubborn teased low self esteem actually turned her murderist( real word or not) me being a virgo male and 1000% honest our whole relationship I had no secrets. Even u. "Aries isn't good at compromise, so they may break up with Libra over this." We are easily hurt and scarred. As a typical Libran male, I am well aware of my faults. Im dealing with a libra mom. I dont owe you a damn thing!!!!! What Calipreston said made my heart sink!! He said she has to always be the center of attention, will continue to create major drama until she gets what she wants. Have. I DO NOT manipulate people to help myself and I don't cheat and make others feel bad when confronted. (I made Mr. Libra 2 look good in photos). Aug. 18, 2021, 9:03 a.m. She recently sent me a negative text about her husband. but in reality this plan has been prepared too much in advance. That would be my control issue. If she is pushed into a conversation, then she may try to avoid specific aspects of the conversation. She balances that by verbally skewering and humiliating people. Known for being indecisive and eager to please, this air sign is unlikely to ever initiate a breakup and very likely to mourn one long after it's over. It can be easy to spot this change in a Sagittarius because it is so out of character and such a contrast to the type of person they usually are. Dark-side Librans ignore or hush up reports of pain or unpleasantness and fool themselves that things they don't acknowledge didn't happen. I ended up feeling hurt and confused because I saw the signs that said he didnt want to be with me but kept pursuing anyways. I, never classify anyone by gender, rase, ethnic aspect, sexuality or beliefs. But charming when she wants info from us. Fast forward my boyfriend (Aries) with (Libra) moon broke up with me today. When I say Mr. Libra 2 was pursuing me, it was LOVEBOMBING!!! But Libra guy 2 created these "conflict triangles" with other people. She made me hate my dad for cheating but she herself cheat several times. It is true she got older and started having difficulties, I think she basically wore herself out. Without support, a Libra woman may begin to behave in a reckless manner. Like someone mentioned in a comments below, Libras have a gut feeling that is almost always accurate and they should definetely trust that. It sux to say but all these dark traits are traits I have observed in myself to some degree (some more than others) and I feel it growing. I was a bit indecisive in my younger younger years. This describes her to a T. I couldn't wrap my head around it because I'm not like that. As a Libra male, i agree with most of this. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This was an interesting read. I Definetly repress anger and am secretive. Thinking nothing of it as that's how she is, she started laying it on thick, changing her tone in her texts and emojis (I only mention that bc they seem fascinated with the damn things). 1) He acts shy when he is around you. Libras strive for balance when hurt, making it hard to tell when something is wrong. September 9, 2022 by Anna Howard. Its that I still struggle loving myself and getttin my wants and needs. etc etc. My mom is one and i was in love with one. Checking up on me and that left me feeling so confused. According to the CDC, "more than two in five adults experienced symptoms of anxiety or a depressive disorder in their lifetime." ( I'm an aquarius.) It's one way to alert someone that you're angry with them and get them to give you some attention without having to ask for it in a direct way. I knew then she truly was that ugly person from Christmas. Throughout the majority of her life, a Libra woman is aware of herself when she makes decisions. They lie and pretend they are fine. If there's karma involved in my destiny I only wished I was child raped by a stranger not by my own brother. If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, you are not alone. Simply with using second person nouns such as "You can," and "You should.". 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