Michael, we got to go. Namely, any citizen, including journalists who write or publish content containing ideas that the government and courts consider false, that they deem false or subject not only to have their writings barred and removed and deleted by force of law, but those citizens who wrote that false ideas will face punishment, including fines under certain circumstances and even imprisonment. Posez les questions suivantes a un(e) camarade. Thanks for having me. 5z B. z + 5 C. 5z + 5 *** D. 5 - z 3. It was just like a Western movie, she says. Now PT, Lulas party, is popular. 2. 9. Because sometimes whoever happens to be on board with the United States foreign policy also gets included, but only on an ad hoc basis, in the international community. Write an algebraic expression to represent the sum of five times a number and 17 1:5x+17 2: 5x-17 3: 5 (x+17) 4: 5+17x. Those same agencies now have been tapped with investigating one of Trump world's most favorite conspiracy theories. Crypto billionaires like Sam Bankman-Fried. While I have you, just a couple of quick last questions. Having surveyed this growing judicial censorship regime, they seem to have walked away, not alarmed, but impressed and eager for more, which is what tends to happen when the censorship targets are not those who share your ideology, but those who reject it. 7.A Just to show you an example, here's Anne Applebaum, who is constantly on boards about the dangers of disinformation and how we stop it. So, let us again work for peace, work for justice. 8.D Who rules various parts of eastern Ukraine or whether the people of those provinces choose to be independent? And there's a fairly amusing chart that has been circulated for decades about what the international community actually means. And let me just interject here. very, very different view about what they thought the origin of this virus was. And I think it's important to see how the United States is viewed from outside of the United States. There, the outcome is predictable. M. Tracey: I was just going to bring that up. What are the two numbers? b) 5 x 100! What is that kind of signal to you? He's saying: Ignore the conspiracy theories" - who are the conspiracy theorists? [] the erstwhile head of failed cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, who faces charges of fraud, money laundering and illegal political campaign contributions. Which two numbers multiply to a c and add to b ? G. Greenwald: I'm just telling you, you can either judge a politician's views based on what they claim they believe and tell the public they believe and advocate for, or you can try and divine their internal thought process. Everybody should want this debate to continue. O n. And the only reason we were banned from that was because the U.S. government and Dr. Fauci instructed Big Tech that should not be allowed because he was very eager, from the start of the pandemic, for reasons we're about to discover, to ensure that the lab leak was immediately placed off limit as something only people who are barely sane would even consider saying. Just to give you a very small taste of how repressive the climate has become for dissent in Brazil and by repressive we are not referring to the kind of mean tweets Taylor Lorenz gets and has converted into an officially recognized mental health affliction but instead, we're talking about prison, exile and due process for criminal investigations for people who deny or challenge government endorsed orthodoxies. That's what idiots and propagandists do. I've got a number of emails that I'm still working on. Take a look. What has happened here is if you look at all the policy, United States establishment, bipartisan policy over the last 20 years you have these enormous systemic failures. Twelve added to a number 5. And it was there that Rumsfeld affirmed that the United States was in avowed support of Ukraine being on a track toward NATO membership. Ensuite, prsentez a la classe une observation sur l'avenir de votre camarade. And as has been widely reported, the new industry to define "disinformation" is largely a scam. Answer; Let x be the number. * You can now add Brazil into this list as well, which is the sixth largest, most populous country in the world. You know what the answer is. Obviously, using straw donations. C They kept telling me I was going to Atmore, the women's penitentiary. for those of you wondering Covering Phoenix, Mesa, Glendale, Scottsdale, Gilbert, the valley . We talk a little bit about the captains of industry, Big Tech and banking, whatnot. C Lee Fang: Well, in some ways, this indictment is extraordinary. He also believes Colvin is important because she challenged the law in court, one of four women plaintiffs in Browder v. Gayle, the court case that successfully overturned bus segregation laws in Montgomery and Alabama. above, where p > 1 and q > 1 ? So instead of revisiting all of that, I want to focus instead for tonight on one specific propagandistic framework that was fed to us from the very beginning of the war, namely that Joe Biden had essentially succeeded in uniting the entire world or the international community behind the United States in support of Ukraine and against Russia that Russia has been isolated, it has barely any allies, its economy is going to collapse and everyone is on the side of the United States; and NATO, believing that we are on the side of right. It's a 85 to 15 Democratic Party district. 0000166199 00000 n what is the expression using x as the variable? I also did a separate interview with Alex Gladstein, who essentially talked about the promises of cryptocurrency to do things like overthrow the dollar as the world's reserve currency. ' 4 more than twice a number' means: 2x + 4. The power grab by the nations highest court, legal experts say, has undermined a key democratic institution in Latin Americas biggest country as voters prepare to pick a president on Oct. 2.. . Yeah. D So, he's saying what I needed to do was win and in order to win, I needed to build a positive PR image that the media and Washington would eat up. The thing to which American and Western leaders are supposed to aspire. It has a blue background and then the special letters that they want to emphasize are in yellow and the name, Christopher Wray, is also in yellow. N. Pelosi: Once again, I'll just say this honestly, that the Bush family is []. Even prior to enactment of this newly proposed law, the online censorship attacks of this single Brazilian judge, acting with the support of the a majority of its Supreme Court, has been so extreme that even liberal American news outlets have published critical articles on him and what they suggests are his lawless and wild censorship binges (including three in The New York Times, one in the Associated Press and another in The Washington Post). And they say that fur coats are part of our indigenous culture and any effort to regulate this is racist against our people. This way. 2 + (10 + 5) A So, Richie Torres is running for reelection in 2022. Which expression represents four more than twice a number? And even going back to, you know, earlier in his career, you know, McCain was a die-hard advocate of all of Reagan's incursions and, you know, proxy wars []. 0000251593 00000 n I guess he thinks $100 billion is more than enough to spend on this country that the U.S. has no vital interest in. Two numbers have a sum of negative -7. one number is x. what expression represents the other number? A) This is what the international community really means when the United States media and the U.S. Security State does the same thing talk about the international community and how the international community is united behind the United States. Note here that this letter presented no scientific evidence of any kind. There you see the Wall Street Journal article and its headline on the screen, the title of which is Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of COVID-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says. Translate the words to the left of the equals word into an algebraic expression. But most of that censorship, which not only severely narrowed the range of permissible thought, but drove numerous writers, journalists and activists into exile due to their well-grounded fear of being imprisoned based on the claim that they've been spreading fake news, at least that was imposed not by any new legislation, but by an extremely ambitious and aggressive member of the Brazilian Supreme Court named Alexandre de Moraes, whose censorship fixation has become so radical that even The New York Times has published no less than three articles in the last six months alone warning of the threats to the democratic values of that country that he poses. Bankman-Fried set up a super PAC aimed at supporting Democrats who focused on pandemic preparedness, and he hired data for progress to do polling. What has your journalism revealed about Al Sharpton in the kind of to me, he seems like a pioneer in this circle and he has often talked about this and many times before saying why should we as influential black people, also get the same kind of lobbyist funding that influential white lobbyists get as well? , TYSM ~* *~!!!!! And independent media really so clearly is the wave of the future. Watch the full episode Lee Fang: It's awesome to be here in the studio. It included the name of Christopher Wray, the FBI director, and it's an FBI official whatever, with their logo. The idea that we're now going to replicate this system of pre-Enlightenment, blind faith in an institution as a power, is remarkable and these revelations demonstrate why that is. Most questions answered within 4 hours. Retiree Claudette Colvin was 15 the day she refused to give up her seat on the bus. Write the equation that represents this statement and solve it to find the number. And so, one can only imagine the amount of money, the gargantuan sums of money they were paid to go and sit with him on that stage while he wore his slovenly clothes that he liked to wear to signal that he was too important to even bother putting on a suit. But you know what would almost certainly [be a deal] breaker? It was designed to essentially get as rich as possible. But I did see her shivering in the cold of Munich and being guided into her next meeting for such affairs as being presented, as she was with a bracelet made of Ukrainian bullet casings. 0000119585 00000 n Which is an algebraic expression for 5 more than z? They're saying that their assessment is that that is the more likely explanation for how it happened and not zoonotic, not actually from animals to humans. That's how oppressive the debate was as a result of what Dr. Fauci did in the very first week or two of the pandemic, with the very vigorous assistance of the corporate media. Answer the question. Evaluate the expression and write the answer in scientific notation. And what it shows is Mitch McConnell and Marco Rubio have a lot more in common with Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff than they do with the members of their own party who are opposed to the war in Ukraine. Write as an algebraic equation and solve. The way I see it, then 2x = (x-9) x= (1/2x - 4.5) [or] 2x+9 = x x= -9 does this not work? 23) A number decreased by 2 is greater than 7. And the crowd is like, wait, what you don't know about these relationships? He was an adult who everyone respected and his opinion meant a lot to me. The eight members were Reps. Emmer, Donalds, Auchincloss, Warren Davidson (R-OH), Ted Budd (R-NC), Darren Soto (D-FL) Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Ritchie Torres (D-NY). The government says Sam Bankman-Fried was getting people close to him, as I just read you, to donate for him. 0000178948 00000 n You know, there was an effort in the last Congress to crack down on the power of Big Tech. Those are co conspirators. But do not underestimate the fact that these corporations purposely hire people who are incapable of critical thinking because that's the last thing that they want. Three-fourths of a number 10. Then the next one is 2n + 3 -- because it will be 2 more. A:We have to find 3rd number of the three consecutive odd integers if the first odd number is n. Q:51. D What is the number? Explain your opinion. Eight times a number is forty-eight 6. -4 -1 I dont know what the real answer is but its not C C And I will show you that evidence as well. 7, Q:2. Feb. 23, 2023). D And I believe there's a lot of people who are very, very worried about where this investigation is going and not only because it's important unto itself to find out who got dirty by this money and how, but also because of the amazing line it says on these media dynamics, on who's for sale in Washington, how easily purchased they are and how it all works. It's like, okay, this is a way no one's actually talking about the underlying bill. Seven divided by the difference of a number and 2, minus 6 divided by a number plus 2, equals 9 times the reciprocal of the difference of the number squared and 4. You also want some assets that are just a store of value. Now, just to be clear, I also see potential not so much in cryptocurrency as in the underlying technology of blockchain, because my interest is more in its ability to provide a way for decentralization to happen. And then he ran for a long time, like a kind of think tank, that's the central think tank tied to the party. An algebraic expression for: 34 is 6 less than 5 times a number. The EU will then say, Oh, look, Brazil has already implemented this law that's implemented here' there may be more problems in doing so in the U.S. because of the First Amendment but Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA have shown over and over that they have no qualms about working around the First Amendment and attempting to influence what the Internet will and will not allow. First, in my Substack space and now here on this show, we have spent the last couple of years warning with increasing fervor of the dangers of this rapidly escalating censorship regime in the West, one that it is quickly migrating from the most despotic regimes of the world where laws have been in place for years that allow the government to decree what is and is not fake news and disinformation and then ban any dissent from it and punish those who do dissent places like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Singapore and Turkey all have the kinds of anti-fake news and anti-disinformation law that Brazil is poised to implement it's now migrating into the democratic world, including most of the West and now the United States, which is why they are cheering on Brazil's law and studying it and feeding them in the capitals of Europe because they intend to use that model that Brazil is about to implement as a model to impose in the United States and in the rest of Europe. D O -3x and 2x And, you know, again, but not surprising. The article reads. Which word phrase can be used to represent the algebraic expression They're in power to this very day. The persistence of a positive result depends on which test was used, since the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is more sensitive than the rapid antigen tests that can be administered at home. Other countries live under governments which have been given the power to ban journalism and commentary on the ground that it is judged by the state to be dangerous, to be false, to incite violence, or to foster social instability or even revolutions against the prevailing order. Facebook announced in February it had expanded the list that had expanded the list of misleading health claims that it would remove from its platforms to include those asserting that COVID-19 is a man-made or manufactured. 1 The one who's saying we should be open to the lab leak or the one who's saying that it's clearly a lie? Write an algebraic expression for the following word expression: 3.8 times a number z, Translate into an algebraic expression. He likes to try and fight back as well, and I think people find that amusing too. 0000328945 00000 n I-3, Q:s than twice what his younger sister Maria weighs. .? He said this was his second time to be here. There is an increase in the number X. But people, even though they disagree in public about certain things like the Iraq war that Nancy Pelosi voted against, they had a lot of fights about it in public but they're still you saw them together last week, you would have thought []. . The FBI's commitment to Ukraine remains unwavering, and we will continue to stand against Russia at home and abroad (Feb. 24, 2023). 18.C 6. ", In a January 19 interview with Folha, Lula's chief spokesman, Paulo Pimenta, vowed: "we will start to respond more forcefully, more sharply, to information that distorts the truth and is wrong.". 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