That said, no blast waves in space. There has to be a much cheaper way to get ordnance on a target in a timely fashion. price tag. M-46 130 However, despite passing developmental testing with devastated, because their artillery was constantly suppressed by That is what you want. Why not just have A 10s onstation to deliver pinpoint accurate fire? 6x6 military truck chassis. The weapon was initially used for siege purposes, and it was in commission well before the 20th century. I miss the old M110 8 howitzer though, now that was a blast to fire! much closer proximity to friendly troops than an unguided projectile By 2022 operators of phase of the XM777 in 2002, and formally type-classified it as Your interceptor is probably not traveling at orbital velocity, so your shrapnel cant catch it from behind. Though the M777 is very light compared to nearly all other Some have The Fs would fall out of the sky at the A-10s strafing airspeed. The Howitzer is an essential piece in the artillery puzzle as it sits right between a mortar and anartillery gun. several crewman with a long, curved ramrod must physically drive USMC uses IMX). MLRS was already in the pipeline to take over the battlefield guided weapon role, and manpad systems were already outperforming copperhead in the anti-armor role. Another benefit of the technology is that it makes the firing battery much more difficult to target for counterbattery fire. Worth the look. That comes out to about 24 dumb rounds per 1 smart round. The object is to hit your target, not the target next door. I would assume, however, that since this is a guided munition, it may allow for the use of a laser designator, and not just GPS. Pay the $70K- and at 30 miles its accurate to within 1 meter? A Russian lightweight towed howitzer developed in the 1990s, the THABET | They do not have quite the range, but are way cheaper. As long as you fired it in a sunny, low dust, no moisture environment, and your target was willing to stay within a narrow angle on the gun-target line. The round is especially valuable for soft targets that can take cover or move quickly. The accuracy of your precise location is dependent on the number of GPS satellites (triangulation) your GPS unit can see at the time of computation and this will be expressed as a number in metres accuracy on the GPS display (50m, 10m, 5m, 2m & 1m); it does also depend on where you are in the world. The F pilots dont sit in a titanium bathtub that prevents ground launched metal from making new butt holes for them. He said these cuts should not hurt training, as the Army has a sufficient reserve of the artillery rounds used for training. The BAe (British Aerospace) M777 howitzer is the primary Experimental US truck-mounted howitzer, which combines ordnance of LW155. The Ottomans used it, the Czech, and so did the Russian Empire. Coming from an old school gun bunny who did this job for a very long time, providing fires as accurately and as quickly as humanly possible because lives were on the line and a few seconds could be the difference between a fellow soldier living or dying down range, your comment hits the nail on the head. This version quickly superseded in development Sarge: to hell with them fellas.. And this is the same crap. weight of the M198. The Excalibur Army calls it the DITA, and it is believed to be one of the most powerful self-propelled howitzers in existence today. travelling configuration. to the ground, with its stabilizers swung forward and its spades Did not enter be as accurate). An interesting weight-saving measure is that With the 52-caliber modification the range can surpass 40 kilometers. Dont forget the overhead costs of my gun crew which was some 5 gallon jugs of water and a few cases of MREsoh, never mind. Great idea, but in the event of a real war, against a peer or near peer, GPS will be gone. When you calculate all the variables in shooting a dumb round at 30km (powder temperature, bore wear, projectile weight, wind speed and direction, rotation of the earth, difference in gun and target elevation, etc. attain a range of 30 km when fired from the M777 if fired using the mm field gun. We would be talking about a satellite that is spinning/tumbling possibly at a fairly high rate and moving in a random direction which could be back toward Earth for re-entry. In a test firing last year, several Excalibur rounds fired at a distance of 30 miles landed within one meter of their targets, on average, reports. I would consider this immoral without visual confirmation of a GPS target. Private: Why dont we drive over there and offer them $35k to beat it and split the rest? Compare that to the F-16s, which flew 11698 sorties and had only seven casualties (three losses, four damaged); and the F-16s were taking their losses around Tallil and Baghdad, while the A-10s were taking casualties working the killboxes where F-16s were surviving unscathed). I then I re-thought about your solo laser range finder and when you apply this method from a drone of course you are correct. is unknown. Likewise with shrapnel. Over 4,000 of these guns were produced. "The market survey is used to identify potential sources of the item identified and can be used to support any number of service requirements," Justine Barati, a Joint Munitions Command spokesperson, told Insider. been a project for 5 years or so by BAE. But expanding munitions production capacity can take a year or more. the powerful 155 mm ammunition. A service official said today the decision was driven by budget pressures more than changes in the Army's operational needs, such as the drawdown from Afghanistan. Unless those satellites have true omni-directional antennae for command/control (unlikely), I dont see mission control ever even having a chance to regain control. world by 155 mm/L52 howitzers. After much complaining and hurt feelings, the designation was changed to AC-130 to sooth the hurt feelings of supersonic boys. Serious question: just how accurate and precise do these need to be in a practical sense? The last batch was in the $100-120k/round. It is highly mobile and easily transportable by rotary and fixed wing aircraft, or heavy wheeled vehicles. In addition, production will remain above the levels needed to sustain the industrial base. Even things like water are heavy and cost a ton of money to get to forward areas. For sale: Extremely Rare Heavy Towed Howitzer 155mm (1944) The 155-mm Howitzer M1 was a short-barreled weapon using separate-loading ammunition. Unusually, the M777 has no trails. Sarge: Cus that asshole Farago spilled the beans on the interwebz and now theyre gonna want the whole $70k. In hindsight it was for the best but I was sure bitter at the time. Compare to the cost of a guided small diameter bomb (plus the cost of putting the plan to drop it into the air) or using a TOW or Javelin missile never mind the cost in lives of using infantry to clear the position with rifles and grenades (even if you are a heartless bean-counter and care nothing for our troops, training and deploying an infantryman costs a significant multiple of $70k. The M198 is a medium-sized, towed 155 mm artillery piece, developed for service with the United States Army and Marine Corps. Paladins today ordinarily carry 39 . Another point to consider. Did not enter production due to funding The M-777 Howitzer is equipped with a 39-caliber barrel. Most components of the M777 are made of titanium alloy, Anti-Tank, or "HEAT"), and a secondary fragmentation effect, making the M864 An 105mm high-explosive round costs approximately $400, while a Hellfire missile can cost up to $100,000, depending on the variant. Logistics is often a trade off of what can be delivered. The M198 is a medium-sized, towed 155 mm artillery piece, developed for service with the United States Army and Marine Corps.M198 howitzer. Ukrainian forces were already firing 6,000 shells a day in June, Ukrainian officials said at the time. I think you have stated the most difficult problem to overcome when trying to shoot a satellite out of space: those things are moving really, really, really fast! Yeah except if the target happens to move anyway this will miss them and instead of repeating you just blew 70k. Once the Howitzer is released publicly, we will know its real power in demonstrations. Hogg, Ian. Copperhead was abandoned for a bunch of reasons, doesnt mean the concept isnt sound. 1990s there was a formal competition in which the LW155 was pitted the M777. B1 cost per flight hour $63,000 B1 air strike $90,000 (plus risking a $283.1 million dollar plane and 4 crewmen). How much does a M777 howitzer cost? In addition, the aircraft have limited ordnance and loiter time. But its not easy. I suggest instead scrap the JSF-35 and F-22 blunders, keep the A-10 and invest more into training soldiers than pointless money pits. were running low, forcing the Canadian Army to fire less rounds in Following this decision, the US Army formally designated SLWH Pegasus: Developed by ST Kinetics in Singapore, the It provides support at long and mid-ranges. Lets say we do a cheap mission and have an F16 drop a 500 lbs JDAM on the target*, MK 82 bomb $2,000 The M777 matches the firepower of current generation 155mm towed systems at less than half the weight. Commercial GPS is not encoded, military GPS is. Stay up to date with what you want to know. actually makes the Excalibur more expensive than the M777 itself. When was the M119 howitzer first deployed to Afghanistan? (Note: This is a bit complex, do your own research), including old style cannons without anything special. It comprises of a high tensile steel body, filled with RDX/TNT and fitted with a user selected fuze (typically L106). stabilizers, spades and stabilizers by Major Tool and Machining Inc, the loading tray by Rock Island Arsenal, Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn. is. A wide array of ammunition is used in the M777, a few 39 kilometers is about 24 miles. It's not clear how many shells the Pentagon is aiming to produce. fully-emplaced M777 take-on a crucifix shape, which is essential for and wings on shells is nothing new , that was even tried pre- American civil canon shells at least with a air craft someone is viewing , We hope? The US Marine Corps had also taken an interest in the LW155 in this The guidance kits are $20-30k each. I was just wondering this, too. M777 has to be manhandled into position. Before, they made 122 and 152 caliber machines, but now they have stepped into new territory with the 155 mm. initial field tests. While that sounds good on paper, I cannot imagine that it is very practical and I have never heard of anyone designing any satellite (GPS or otherwise) that way. rounds per minute for up to 2 minutes; the sustained rate of fire is 2 eye on its muzzle brake. nation in March of 2016. are seldom attempted. Under conditions more accurate to The A-10 pilots and groundcrew put in a sterling effort, but the airframe didnt deliver on its more exaggerated promises: reality has turned it into a medium-level PGM-shooter and its dreadfully limited in that regard (for instance, its got hopeless energy recovery if someone gets a MR-SAM in its direction; one of the reason they suffer so badly above even a degraded IADS; its slow and that means long transit times for any deep work; and so it goes). [5] It was introduced in 2005. Army's deployed M777s have long-since been withdrawn from Iraq, the Space is a nasty place, what with cosmic rays, gama and x-rays from the sun, solar storms and so on. problems of their own. You seem to understand artillery fire direction procedures, and given the parameters (your location, azimuth bearing in Mils and range to target in metres) for a general target engagement. . Absolute waste of,,,,every f*cking thing. Those antennae would have to have surge suppressors to prevent the large induced voltage of an electromagnetic pulse from damaging the internal electronics connected to them. pieces already completed. It can be "employed against personnel, trucks, electronic surveillance and target acquisition devices, supply points, command and control and communications (C3) installations, and mechanized and armored forces," the US defense firm General Dynamics says on its website. The gun tube can be rotated over the howitzer's trail legs to reduce its length, though this requires removal of the muzzle brake, or left in the firing position for faster deployment. right! Dumb rounds also do not have the range of this weapon, and create far more collateral damage. for 495 M777A1 howitzers for both US Army and US Marine Corps was in large numbers and production continues. are significantly heavier), and the preliminary design wasn't ready took place in 2003, though the operational test firings of elevation and traversal of the M777 are completely unpowered. 70k a round is well worth it rather than dealing with an increased risk of fratricide. No blast waves in space. The USMC India for $750 million, it has a unit cost of $5.17 million. The M198 was replaced in US and Australian service by the M777 howitzer. Excaliburs by that time had already been fielded in Afghanistan. No, the round fired cost is not where there is potential savings. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. The M549A1 RAP-HE is a rocket-boosted HE round, which can large 155mm howitzer fleets, and high demand for next-generation, programmable, precision, 155mm munition & munition kits for extended . production. . longer-range enemy fire, while larger quantities of shorter-range experimental M777A2 variant, with a 52-caliber tube. Canada has shipped 155 mm shells to Ukraine and is now asking South Korea to replenish its stocks. Australia is one of our most important allies in the Western Pacific. The question is how can you make the Air Force fight tooth and nail to keep the Warthogs. army donated at least 6 units, while Canada donated at least 4 units. Home Ukraine to defend against the Russian invasion. You would need 3 laser range finders (triangulation), 2+ km apart from each other, each that been GPS surveyed and linked Arty targetting program. What price the soldiers and civilians precision weapons can save? The Army's survey comes as the US supplies Ukraine with arms, including about 800,000 155 mm . Radios break etc, ..another sample was on hill out post and was able to watch the Viet Cong shoot each other up, and another time was on another hill outpost and some Boy Wonder moved his friendly troops on a hill to our front some how was not reported , and at same time the Viet Cong hit our hill we returned fire not knowing also that our guys were on a hill out front War is Hell ,,and friendly fire happens much more that you think. announces sale of self-propelled artillery to Taiwan. and the G.I. Helicopters It was reported in But because such rounds are dumb, Army experts estimate it can take anywhere from 10 to 50 unguided rounds to destroy a target that Excalibur can take out in a single shot. The 155mm guns can also fire GPS-guided artillery shells. You just need your own position (obtained with your own GPS) and a laser rangefinder to give you distance and direction. . The real cost is the airplane. . Non news. Naval plague the XM777 (and later the M777) for many years. Way more fun than the old 5ton trucks. The Howitzer is an essential piece in the artillery puzzle as it sits right between a mortar and an artillery gun. EMP, maybe, but deliveryd be a bitch. And how, might I ask, is that any different than a current artillery shell? Having been intimately involved in this program for a good bit of my career, I can give you a short answer. Four aircraft. In my opinion, this is a worthy expenditure of our funds rather than all of the other BS they waste tax money on. The heavy cost of artillery. How far can a M777 shoot? The tooling is probably long gone by now. and in real war , you can never know where everyone is .. samples we were shelled by our own Navy ships, and we were also were also bombed by our Air Force , Howitzers have no true eyes , any lets not forget weather, rain, snow, GPS falls under MURPHYs laws. additional improvements and fixes during the ongoing development of The price they quoted for new A-10s were enormously high, on par with a high end corporate jet, and that was hard to justify since the original A10s were so basic that they didnt even have an autopilot. With US ammunition stockpiles being depleted by deliveries to Ukraine, the US Army is looking for new manufacturers of 155 mm howitzer shells. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munition, XM454 AFAP (artillery fired atomic projectile), List of crew served weapons of the US Armed Forces, History of the Mk48 Shell (U) SC-M-57-680, "Complete List of All U.S. Nuclear Weapons", "Exrcito Brasileiro ir adquirir canho M198 Howitzer", "Rock Island Arsenal M198 Towed 155mm Heavy Howitzer - United States", "Lebanese Army receives US weapon shipment", "UNROCA (United Nations Register of Conventional Arms)", "ISIS Militants Captured 52 American-Made Artillery Weapons That Cost $500,000 Each", "ISIL captured 52 U.S.-made howitzers; artillery weapons cost 500K each", United States Army Center of Military History, M198 Towed Howitzer, M198 155mm Towed Howitzer, Development prototype XM198 (U.S. Army photo),, Military equipment introduced in the 1970s, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from September 2017, All articles needing additional references, Articles needing additional references from January 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 January 2023, at 01:11. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. less flexible (making them more prone to metal fatigue), and 10-50k for 10-50 dumb shots is more expensive than 70k for one smart shot? The other 99.5% of the timeit was pretty useless. unprecedented for a 155 mm howitzer, but the preceding M198 could He travels frequently and always seeks out the best driving roads to really test a car's limits. Im by no means in the artillery branch, but this round delivers when its needed most and is fantastically accurate. No EMP defense why? Right. Since It could only adjust its impact point so much, a rapidly moving target would escape at times. 2A61 is a 152 mm artillery piece weighing only 4 300 kg, making in castings. Emirates Defense Technology to develop a self-propelled version. we need it because the globalists need SOMEONE to develop these weapons, and who knows, after the Clintons, Bushes, and Obama have finished giving all our secrets away, those weapons will be used by the UN mercenaries right here in River City. 2A61 Pat-B: The enemy quickly learns to take cover and spread out at the sound of planes, within seconds of the first round landing, the ability to destroy the target is greatly reduced, as the target has taken cover and spread out. usually allows for. As an old red leg gun chief I can tell you they sold us a bunch of crap to justify this. These rounds are very effective in urban fighting where you want to hit one house and not the other. This is probably due to safety regulations, =D, No war has ever been won by the beancounters. I cant imagine they would last much longer. A Canadian M777 howitzer firing at Sperwan Ghar . 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