So, it makes more sense for God to warn His children than not to warn them in advance of something so major like tilting the earths axis. Prayer can mitigate global disasters. This is so Jesus could fully interact in time as a Man and would be able to offer up His Suffering in atonement for the sins of all mankind. Sadly, this constant desire of needing to know ahead of time demonstrates a great deal of lack of faith in that Our Heavenly Father knows best for our needs and to simply trust in His Goodness that things will work out the best for all of us. The Blessed Virgin Mary is NOT God, but She is the closest creature that will ever be created in existence in All the Perfection of God Himself. Afterwards, people will return spiritually back into their physical bodies with the opportunity to convert and change their lives for a better eternal outcome. Do not fear any portion of the future. So, my soul has been affected by Our Loving Fathers words today at Holy Love, where God the Father calls us to trust in Him and not worry, so we can have true peace in our hearts. Then, we have the spiritual renewal of the Crucifixion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, at the end of the second block of time of 2,000 years after the Flood. Why? You walk in Me and I in you. YOUR BELOVED SAVIOUR Reject the empty promises of Satan. Now, people need to understand something very important. The Three Days of Darkness have been spoken about by many Catholic visionaries throughout the recent ages, as well as at Holy Love Ministries ( However, a major variable that is controlling the timing of the Warning is the likelihood of the mark of the beast being implemented through the mandatory vaccinations. Holy Mary is also Co-Redemptress of the human family, as She suffered mystically all aspects of the Passion and Crucifixion of Her Divine Son, Jesus. I do not want the Great Chastisement to happen. This question has been burning in my heart as I continue to pray and hope for the bestthe ultimate goodness of mankind. The hearts of these people are so totally aligned with evil that no matter how much intervention by Heaven takes place, the hearts of these evil people will never change. Melanie was most intimately aware of Our Ladys intentions when the Secret was imparted to her for the world. For others, they will be fearful. But, during the Great Warning, all six Medjugorje visionaries and Conchita of Garabandal will all fully experience all the supernatural terrors and elements of the Three Days of Darkness in their spiritual bodies which is not possible in a vision on earth. The Warning will take place after 7 days and 7 nights of increasing darkness over the entire earth. I mean, Noah warned the ancient world while he was building the ark about the forthcoming worldwide Flood, Moses warned Pharaoh before the Ten Plagues, etc. He prepares a place for His children to go; a sanctuary. He will come to save Israel, just as I came. P. Janko: "Last year, 1982, Our Lady revealed to Ivanka and Jakov that horrible ninth secret. It will be very intense and, honestly, very frightening for them. (I suggest people read the commentary if you would like to learn more). O yes, let us by all means prays much. And for Mirjana who received her 10th secret on Christmas 1982 . Meanwhile, after The Warning, the Two Witnesses of Revelation and 144,000 Firstfruits will be present on earth to help guide and evangelize the masses of people seeking God. I am able to reveal to you all that the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will also take place at a location in the United States of America. Preparation for the Sign to come from Heaven This is so but not in the ways currently experienced in the world today. My holy Catholic Church will be the one faith and all living in the Renewal will believe. After the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) occurs, all people will know true right from true wrong in their lives. For the good of those who can be saved, the Father must act., Before that moment (Oh, that terrible moment when I see what must happen if men do not repent), the Father has sent me. At the Coronation of Our Blessed Mother Mary in Heaven, another unique, special, holy ceremony took place. I will leave a sign in Medjugorje, but after this, if humanity does not repent, greater chastisements will follow. No more will they be so quick to condemn or treat their neighbour cruelly. This Valley of Decisions will be a special moment in history., Just as Israel was in the moment of distress, so the world itself will be in a moment of complete helplessness., Hidden Vision of Third Secret of Fatima Revealed in Sister Lucys Biography Jesus shared with me that our form of government would be DONE, as in finished, and there would be chaos, civil unrest, and martial law declared. (Most Holy Name of Mary), Jesus said: My people, you have just heard Pope Francis give out a new Canon Law that would allow bishops to make changes in the liturgy of the Mass to go into effect on October 1st. No more will material pleasures and excesses excite. Yes, I am aware of it and I know that much of it is based on a flawed interpretation of the Book of Revelation. Meanwhile, last year, during the weekend of August 6, 2017, there was a great prayer event held at Holy Love Ministries. Special Commentary (April 2018): Putting Pieces of the Puzzle Together Fatima, La Salette, and Garabandal By a soul, Special Commentary (May 2018): Understanding the Hidden Plan of God for Avoiding the Great Chastisement By a soul, Special Commentary (May 2018): Understanding the Hidden Plan of God and the Purpose of Heavenly Messages By a soul, Special Posting (July 2018): Our Lady of All Nations Your leaders now have the opportunity to defeat the plans of the global elitists and their new world order through the peaceful leadership of these two great countries, the United States and Russia (Message to Ned Dougherty), Special Posting (August 2018): Important Message and World Prayer Need St. Michael Archangel If you do as I say, you will usher in a new era of peace for humanity and contribute to the destruction of the evil one and his plans to destroy humanity (Message to Ned Dougherty). I do not want a nuclear war. Grasp My Mercy now while you can. Some people have questioned me as to why the heavenly messages, such as those at Holy Love Ministries (, have focused so much on the U.S. presidential election and not the forthcoming Warning, etc. Now, I have never claimed perfect discernment. Note, I will explain in a future commentary why the Consecration done by Pope Francis on March 25, 2022, was not fully accepted by Heaven. So, if you have been a follower of this blog for the past few years, you likely know that in January 2017, Saint Gabriel Archangel revealed to me many unknown facts about the unfolding Divine Plan in connection to the Marian apparitions of Fatima, Garabandal, and Medjugorje. Also, I have read that refuge priests will be given the special graces of bi-location so every refuge will have the opportunity to experience real-timelive celebrations of Holy Masses periodically, as well as the other Sacraments, such as Reconciliation (Confession), etc. Moreover, it has been prophesied that the Fatima Consecration will finally be accomplished by a future pope, whom I have discerned is one of the Two Witnesses of the Apocalypse in the Holy Bible. And I realized my spiritual blindness to the Children of the Renewal messages was a blessing in disguise. Also, lukewarmness is not an option. Special Graces at the Refuges, By a soul Afterwards, My children will rebuild their lives, in a manner of speaking. Chastisement will wipe out much of the world. I am looking forward to learning and growing more in my faith and I want to encourage all those still interested in attending to contact the Apostolate for the few spots still available ( What does this mean? Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I brought you along and then introduced you to the idea of sharing these messages, which you were uncomfortable with doing. She said: Praised be Jesus! Well, in connection with the book, God revealed to a friend of mine who is a chosen messenger a deadline for completing the book. The Preceding Signs To The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) 7 Days and 7 Nights The Cross of Our Savior Will Be Seen in the Sky MaryRefugeOfSouls And when I heard these comments of onlookers, it reminded me of a message given by Our Lady in Locutions To The World in which the Blessed Mother addresses the issue of the lack of faith among the clergy regarding Her promises on the consecration of Russia. I will cover you, My little lamb. I, a soul, of MaryRefugeOfSouls, want to explain what I mean by the words, Second Coming of Jesus. It will be made known to people how they have kept or not followed Gods Law (Ten Commandments). Just as in a game of chess, the queen is all powerful like the king, Queen Mary is All Powerful like Papa God and His Son, Jesus. The Era of Peace as we understand itsuch as mentioned in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) will began at the Second Coming. Prepare now for this event, for you have only a few months left to prepare your souls. Meanwhile, the preparation with being inside (indoors) and covering your doors and windows with blankets and cardboard, is to only take place on the final day, after the 7 days and 7 nights of the sign of the Cross of Jesus in the sky immediately before the Warning happens. On that day, confiding to her the tenth secret, Our Lady told her that for the rest of her life, she would have one yearly apparition on June 25th, the anniversary of the apparitions. Meanwhile, My followers will be torn in two. During those 6 weeks, satan and hell will be unable to interfere at all with anyones free will and we will still have access to our televisions, computers, cell phones, etc. Note, I am not a biblical scholar, so I am not going to try to interpret the Book of Revelation to you. God has many good plans that He desires to realize for the world, but right now, the world is deeply entrenched on the wrong path and heading in the wrong direction and so much is truly contingent on prayers and free will. All will be renewed. Note, both the existence of the 144,000 Firstfruits and the Sign of Garabandal on earth, are meant to be a great inspiration for the rest of mankind, in order for people to be encouraged to persevere during the Great Tribulation. That was done for convenience sake. This true story takes place in the Bijakovici section of Medjugorje. Those in places of power, who control peoples finances, will repent, in their droves. Here, Our Blessed Mother revealed that Gods Cup of Wrath was overflowing and that mankind was severely negligent in its loving adoration of God the Son found in the Most Holy Eucharist the Sacred Body and Most Precious Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ as presented in Holy Mother Church. The chosen messenger (or possibly messengers as it may be more than one person), will also be serving as a link between your refuge and other refuges. Also, the fact that when the contents and dates of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje begin to be fulfilled will be too late for many people is also true, because after the Miracle of Garabandal happens, mankind will be subject to the Divine Justice of God for not repenting for its sins as revealed during the Illumination of Conscience (The Warning). It was from this pilgrimage that indeed St Joachim and St Anne became blessed to conceive the Blessed Virgin Mary, just as the angel of God had revealed would happen to St Joachim in the Jewish Temple. Also, during the Great Warning, all six visionaries of Medjugorje and Conchita, the visionary of Garabandal, will all experience the Tenth Secret/Great Chastisement as it is truly viewed in the Holy Eyes of God. Such were my feelings last night in prayer. I am grateful though and there are no words to describe my gratitude. You are blessed to be given this wonderful Gift of Revelation. My special commentary about the antichrist explains much about this fact by how the grip of satan works on the souls of mankindcomparing the grip of satan to how black holes behave in outer space. Because God knows the future and all the abuses we make due to his gift of free will and yet, Jesus and His Beloved Father continue to love us all despite our hateful acts? I was told in much detail what the Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal are. Penance is not done, and sin increases daily. If the world repents of this one sin, I will hold back the chastisements of God and there will be a springtime without a winter. Sometimes in my commentaries, I repeat things often, because I do not know if readers have read my previous writings or not and I want to be as thorough as possible, so people do not get confused. You must not keep trying to establish the date for The Warning. You and your husband have given over your futures to follow Me and have willingly given up everything to do the mission given to you from all time. In the early 1980's, 17 year old Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic and 10 year old Jakov Colo, visionaries from the village of Medjugorje in what is now Bosnia-Herzegovina, had such an opportunity. P. Janko: We have already said somewhere what Ivanka had told me last year, and Marija told me the same thing this year. Seven, it is the hope of Heaven that the testimony of the seven visionaries about the Three Days of Darkness, will bring about the Consecration of the nation of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Catholic Church, as requested by Our Lady of Fatima (1917) over a century ago. I actually believe that the tilting of the earths axis, as well as the other chastisement mentioned in the Book of Truthfire upon 1/3 of the earthare two separate Secrets of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. This apparition took place in 1858, four years after its official declaration was proclaimed by the pope, at a time when mostly only the clergy were aware of its dogmatic declaration and understood its theological significance. My Heart is is the way of entering the Age of the Spirit. So, I am hopeful that everyone will visit to the official movie website to sign up for the 2-day rental, because this is a documentary that needs to be seen by the entire world: So, please promote the movie to as many people as you can so we can literally change the direction of the world and make the world a better place for ourselves and our children. Hence, Her Immaculate Heart can Triumph in the end with Her Sons Most Sacred Heart, as all of mankind finally recognizes the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I was given much details about the Great Miracle of Garabandal and I know the exact nature of the Great Sign of Garabandal which will be left in the Pines. Children, please help them by telling them the Truth. St Joseph, also known as the Terror of demons and Patron of a happy death, is also the Restrainer in Sacred Scriptures who has kept the antichrist from entering Holy Mother Church and being seated on the chair of St Peter. Medjugorje. And the Heavens and the Earth will become one. At Fatima, Portugal, on July 13, 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary promised through prayer of the Rosary and Consecration of Russia by the Catholic Church to Her Immaculate Heart, She would help to prevent an annihilation of nations and help to usher in a great Era of Peace for the entire world. Adversaries were approaching to destroy the altar and stop priests from offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass I saw a priest disappear and his soul got taken underneath the altar, meaning the priest was martyred defending the mass and the Eucharist. Wednesday, December 14th, 2011 @ 19:15. Peace will be the focus, more so than building. And so, what are the special graces that will be given to those at the refuges? Specifically, Our Lady of La Salette said that the sun would darken and the earth would be in a continuous series of evolutions for three days. Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo was born on March 18th, 1965, in Sarajevo. This is because hell will be unlocked with satan, the devils and demons returning to the surface of the earth. at least 85% of the current world population is in a state of disgrace (mortal sin) before God. Peace shall reign, and the charity of Jesus Christ shall unite all heartsLet us pray; let us pray. How long can the intercession of the few cover over the sins of the many? The fact is, my dearly beloved blog followers, is that satan knows that he can no longer use Pope Francis as his primary instrument to bring about the collapse of the Catholic Church. I can not say anything because even a word would reveal the secret before it's time to do it.". This prayer of the saintly Pope John Paul II, as vicar (holy representative) of Christ on earth, on behalf of mankind, was heard by Heaven. Did the Lord hint at the next date or how much delay? Be strong. Next, there would be a short wedding ceremony. Now, it begs the question, how can the conditional Great Chastisement be avoided by mankind? - Feb 25, 2023, NEW VIDEO - Facing Imminent Nuclear War - Instructions and Remedy for Radioactivity from GOD - Compiled By a soul - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Background Information about Latin-American Mystic, Lorena - By a soul - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Important Update - Blessed Virgin Mary - Oil of the Good Samaritan (Thieves Essential Oil) - MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, IMPORTANT MESSAGE - Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria - Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity - OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN, Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ - Feb 15-21, 2023 Update, Message of Saint Joseph to the People of God - Daily Protection Prayer To Prevent Covid-19 Vaccinations - MaryRefugeOfSouls. The Medjugorje Visionary Mirjana speaks on the 10 Secrets of Our Lady, Queen of Peace.The Blessed Mother has told the six visionaries in Medjugorje that She . They are the key! Firstly, it is very characteristic of Our Heavenly Father that He warns His children before He chastises them. In the end times I will allow the evil ones to take over the churches, but My faithful will be led to My refuges. It does not need to be a physical valley because all the nations are already linked by communications. Now, I have not seen the movie yet, but I do realize that it explores the many reasons why the consecration of Russia has not taken place yet by the Vatican. The second space shall be Children of the Renewal. Armaments will be limited. The message was so detailed that I was able to remember it and write it down after I woke up. God the Father will be imparting His rare Patriarchal Blessing, which He gave last year for the first time to devotees that attended the prayer event. Questions Asked By Blog Followers About The Warning. The bride resided with her family until the time of the wedding ceremony. With outstretched Arms, Papa Is calling each of His children to repent and pray in reparation for sin theirs and the sins of others. In conclusion, I want to share in this commentary for those who do not already follow the blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, that the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) will be taking place very shortly in the world. When My enemies attack My Mystical Body, they will cause much damage, much confusion and lead many away from the Truth. And, in particular, Christians will not know which denomination is the True Faith. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. some visions by a faithful Catholic in England who is a victim-soul for Our Lord. Will God tilt the axis of the earth before or after the Great Warning? Prayer, My children, is so important. I also hope that the additional information proves helpful for people. Will you help Me? It is actually a special blessing of Gods Will that He does NOT resurrect the evil people until the end of the Era of Peace in the General Resurrection, because having their physical bodies in hell actually will enhance their suffering. Please download this free PDF, ODT, and WordDoc reader-friendly outline of the Best-Case and Worst-Case Scenarios involving Catholic Prophecy after the Warning takes place (7 pages): OUTLINE MODERN CATHOLIC PROPHECY TIMELINE Version 1.0 By a soul (PDF), OUTLINE MODERN CATHOLIC PROPHECY TIMELINE Version 1.0 By a soul (ODT), OUTLINE MODERN CATHOLIC PROPHECY TIMELINE Version 1.0 By a soul (WordDoc), February 7, 2011 Also, people might be wondering why the Medjugorje visionaries have mostly different Secrets between them. My guardian angel also revealed his presence to me as well. Look at the world leaders. Because many people may have similar questions. And so, I share these aspects of the Divine Plan in this commentary, because it helps explain the Blessed Mothers words that it will be too late for many people once the Sign of Medjugorje (Third Secret) is revealed on earth. And reading such things gave me pause, because how could these events happen if the Second Coming immediately follows the Three Days of Darkness? In private revelation, it has been revealed that Our Blessed Mother is also known as the Mystical City of God and the principal Holy Tabernacle of the New Jerusalem. I was made to understand that this event -the Tenth Secret / Great Chastisement is what is known as the "Three Days of Darkness" which has been . While many of My loyal followers are alert now, to the changes coming, so many have no interest whatsoever in the warnings given to the world by My beloved Mother up to now. Peace, dear children, only peace! Today we talk about the last secret, the tenth The 10th cannot be reduced under any circumstances. They took place during short wakeful periods at night, because, during the rest of the time, I was working full-time during the day and when I had to sleep I was battling satan in demonic nightmares. I understood that the Great Chastisement is the Three Days of Darkness when the gates of hell are fully open on earth. You must ask God the Father to accept your request to quash the persecution, which is being planned by these people. My daughter, you now have a duty to inform My children everywhere of the urgent need to seek redemption. Sadly, My daughter, the Church tends to ignore the authentic seers because they must show responsibility in these matters. As both he and his wife, St Anne, had gone on pilgrimage to Jerusalem to pray for the blessing of a child, whom they promised to dedicate to the holy service of God. There will be the ingathering prophesied by Isaiah. And when I heard these comments of onlookers, it reminded me of a message given by Our Lady in, Recently, God the Father gave a very telling message at, I do not want a nuclear war. I will have more information about this project very soon, and please know, that I am looking for bilingual volunteers (Heaven indicated that I should ask for three volunteers), which I will also speak about this need very soon. Although Jesus does not know the date, He did tell me that if Biden becomes the U.S. President, the Warning will more than likely happen this Winter season. I come in the Name of Jesus, Who came in the flesh and was made man. These are personal thoughts of mine, as I believe the First Secret of Medjugorje is a combination of eventsboth man-made and natural phenomena, although I do not base this conjecture on any specific heavenly revelation. . At that time, I also received the eighth secret. Who Is Jesus Christ? Let us pray, let us pray; let us never cease praying and doing penance. I call you My little lamb for that is what you are. Medjugorje (Serbo-Croatian: Meugorje / , pronounced [mduorje]) is a town located in southwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina, about 25 km (16 mi) southwest of Mostar and 20 km (12 mi) east of the border with Croatia.The town is part of the itluk municipality and geographically part of Herzegovina.Since 1981, it has become a popular site of Catholic pilgrimage due to . Meanwhile, individual churches or dioceses or Bishop conferences may make changes to the consecration prayers for the Holy Eucharist before the Great Warning, but I do not think the Abomination of Desolation fully takes hold universally in the Catholic Church until after the Great Warning. Two, the Warning of Garabandal is the first event of a chain or sequence of events in the End Times that will lead up quickly to the Great Tribulation of the Apocalypse culminating in the 42-month reign of the antichrist on earth. Many people took the experience negativelydisbelieving in prophecyinstead of being happy that the economy did not collapse when all the signs of the times were saying otherwise. Nonetheless, God has continued to send help to mankind through His Holy Mother, Mary, alongside with His Divine Son, Our Savior, Jesus. However, I will give you my best-educated guess, because I think it is important that the Remnant Faithful have a target date to pray for, so we can keep hope alive in our hearts as the enemy makes so many evil advances in the world now. What country is not influenced by human fear where the interest of the Church and the glory of God are at stake? Nothing can, nor will, stop the Final Covenant where My Son will Reign in Peace from being fulfilled. My best-educated guess for The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) is sometime during the month of February 2022, for the following reasons: One, it happens after the original deadline that I was given to complete my book on the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal (late December 2021); Two, the month of February corresponds to prophecies given to three different chosen messengers for the possible season of The Warning (John Leary, Christina Gallagher, and Marie-Julie Jahenny); Three, it will fall during the 40th anniversary year of Medjugorje and 60th anniversary year of Garabandal; Four, it provides the possibility for The Miracle and Sign of Garabandal to happen either in March or April 2022 (Springtime), which is important, because the Miracle/Sign date might fall within the crucial 6 weeks after The Warning happens. 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